Unverified Commit c18d5187 authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #226 from FrankBoesing/Stringfuncs

faster string funcs
parents 54a93cc2 5f4c7361
......@@ -235,35 +235,82 @@ private:
void IIR_calculateCoefficients(int8_t G1, int8_t G2, int8_t G3);
// implement several function with respect to the index of string
bool startsWith (const char* base, const char* str) { return (strstr(base, str) - base) == 0;}
bool endsWith (const char* base, const char* str) {
int blen = strlen(base);
int slen = strlen(str);
while(isspace(*(base + blen - 1))) blen--; // rtrim
char* pos = strstr(base + blen - slen, str);
if (pos == NULL) return false;
else return true;
int indexOf (const char* base, const char* str, int startIndex) {
int result;
int baselen = strlen(base);
if (strlen(str) > baselen || startIndex > baselen) result = -1;
else {
char* pos = strstr(base + startIndex, str);
if (pos == NULL) result = -1;
else result = pos - base;
void trim(char *s) {
//fb trim in place
char *pe;
char *p = s;
while ( isspace(*p) ) p++; //left
pe = p; //right
while ( *pe != '\0' ) pe++;
do {
} while ( (pe > p) && isspace(*pe) );
if (p == s) {
*++pe = '\0';
} else { //move
while ( p <= pe ) *s++ = *p++;
*s = '\0';
return result;
int lastIndexOf(const char* base, const char* str){
int pos = -1, lastIndex = -1;
pos = indexOf(base, str, pos + 1);
if(pos >= 0) lastIndex = pos;
else break;
const bool startsWith (const char* base, const char* str) {
char c;
while ( (c = *str++) != '\0' )
if (c != *base++) return false;
return true;
const bool endsWith (const char* base, const char* str) {
int slen = strlen(str) - 1;
const char *p = base + strlen(base) - 1;
while(p > base && isspace(*p)) p--; // rtrim
p -= slen;
if (p < base) return false;
return (strncmp(p, str, slen) == 0);
const int indexOf (const char* base, const char* str, int startIndex) {
const char *p = base;
for (; startIndex > 0; startIndex--)
if (*p++ == '\0') return -1;
char* pos = strstr(p, str);
if (pos == nullptr) return -1;
return pos - base;
const int indexOf (const char* base, char ch, int startIndex) {
const char *p = base;
for (; startIndex > 0; startIndex--)
if (*p++ == '\0') return -1;
char *pos = strchr(p, ch);
if (pos == nullptr) return -1;
return pos - base;
const int lastIndexOf(const char* haystack, const char* needle) {
int nlen = strlen(needle);
if (nlen == 0) return -1;
const char *p = haystack - nlen + strlen(haystack);
while (p >= haystack) {
int i = 0;
while (needle[i] == p[i])
if (++i == nlen) return p - haystack;
return lastIndex;
return -1;
const int lastIndexOf(const char* haystack, const char needle) {
const char *p = strrchr(haystack, needle);
return (p ? p - haystack : -1);
int specialIndexOf (uint8_t* base, const char* str, int baselen, bool exact = false){
int result; // seek for str in buffer or in header up to baselen, not nullterninated
if (strlen(str) > baselen) return -1; // if exact == true seekstr in buffer must have "\0" at the end
......@@ -310,14 +357,6 @@ private:
return expectedLen;
void trim(char* s){
uint8_t l = 0;
while(isspace(*(s + l))) l++;
for(uint16_t i = 0; i< strlen(s) - l; i++) *(s + i) = *(s + i + l); // ltrim
char* back = s + strlen(s);
*(back + 1) = '\0'; // rtrim
......@@ -435,4 +474,3 @@ private:
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