Unverified Commit a6220af6 authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #258 from seife/simplify_ssl

simplify http / https handling
parents 3c38cba7 f4515800
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
AudioBuffer::AudioBuffer(size_t maxBlockSize) {
// if maxBlockSize isn't set use defaultspace (1600 bytes) is enough for aac and mp3 player
......@@ -273,6 +274,7 @@ void Audio::setDefaults() {
client.flush(); // release memory
_client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&clientsecure); /* default to *something* so that no NULL deref can happen */
sprintf(chbuf, "buffers freed, free Heap: %u bytes", ESP.getFreeHeap());
......@@ -361,26 +363,13 @@ void Audio::httpPrint(const char* url) {
host[pos_colon] = '\0';// Host without portnumber
if(m_f_Log) sprintf(chbuf, "new connection, host=%s, extension=%s, port=%i", host, extension, port);
if(m_f_Log) if(audio_info) audio_info(chbuf);
client.connect(host, port);
if(m_f_m3u8data && m_playlistBuff) strcpy(m_playlistBuff, url); // save new m3u8 chunklist
if(m_f_Log) sprintf(chbuf, "new connection, host=%s, extension=%s, port=%i", host, extension, port);
if(m_f_Log) if(audio_info) audio_info(chbuf);
clientsecure.connect(host, port);
if(m_f_m3u8data && m_playlistBuff) strcpy(m_playlistBuff, url); // save new m3u8 chunklist
if(m_f_Log) sprintf(chbuf, "new connection, host=%s, extension=%s, port=%i", host, extension, port);
if(m_f_Log) if(audio_info) audio_info(chbuf);
_client->connect(host, port);
if(m_f_m3u8data && m_playlistBuff) strcpy(m_playlistBuff, url); // save new m3u8 chunklist
if(host) {free(host); host = NULL;}
if(extension) {free(extension); extension = NULL;}
......@@ -452,12 +441,14 @@ bool Audio::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
if(startsWith(l_host, "http://")) {
h_host += 7;
m_f_ssl = false;
_client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&client);
if(startsWith(l_host, "https://")) {
h_host += 8;
m_f_ssl = true;
port = 443;
_client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&clientsecure);
// Is it a playlist?
......@@ -519,46 +510,24 @@ bool Audio::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
// strcat(resp, "Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=0\r\n"); // otherwise the server assumes gzip compression
// strcat(resp, "Transfer-Encoding: \r\n"); // otherwise the server assumes gzip compression
strcat(resp, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");
const uint32_t TIMEOUT_MS{250};
if(m_f_ssl == false) {
uint32_t t = millis();
if(client.connect(hostwoext, port, TIMEOUT_MS)) {
uint32_t dt = millis() - t;
sprintf(chbuf, "Connected to server in %u ms", dt);
if(audio_info) audio_info(chbuf);
strcpy(m_lastHost, l_host);
m_f_running = true;
if(hostwoext) {free(hostwoext); hostwoext = NULL;}
if(extension) {free(extension); extension = NULL;}
if(l_host ) {free(l_host); l_host = NULL;}
while(!client.connected()){;} // wait until the connection is established
return true;
const uint32_t TIMEOUT_MS_SSL{2700};
if(m_f_ssl == true) {
uint32_t t = millis();
if(clientsecure.connect(hostwoext, port, TIMEOUT_MS_SSL)) {
// clientsecure.setNoDelay(true);
// if(audio_info) audio_info("SSL/TLS Connected to server");
uint32_t dt = millis() - t;
sprintf(chbuf, "SSL has been established in %u ms, free Heap: %u bytes", dt, ESP.getFreeHeap());
if(audio_info) audio_info(chbuf);
uint32_t t = millis();
if(_client->connect(hostwoext, port, m_f_ssl ? TIMEOUT_MS_SSL : TIMEOUT_MS)) {
// if(audio_info) audio_info("SSL/TLS Connected to server");
uint32_t dt = millis() - t;
sprintf(chbuf, "%s has been established in %u ms, free Heap: %u bytes", m_f_ssl?"SSL":"Connection", dt, ESP.getFreeHeap());
if(audio_info) audio_info(chbuf);
strcpy(m_lastHost, l_host);
m_f_running = true;
if(hostwoext) {free(hostwoext); hostwoext = NULL;}
if(extension) {free(extension); extension = NULL;}
if(l_host ) {free(l_host); l_host = NULL;}
while(!clientsecure.connected()){;} // wait until the connection is established
return true;
strcpy(m_lastHost, l_host);
m_f_running = true;
if(hostwoext) {free(hostwoext); hostwoext = NULL;}
if(extension) {free(extension); extension = NULL;}
if(l_host ) {free(l_host); l_host = NULL;}
while(!_client->connected()){;} // wait until the connection is established
return true;
sprintf(chbuf, "Request %s failed!", l_host);
if(audio_info) audio_info(chbuf);
......@@ -2279,8 +2248,7 @@ void Audio::processPlayListData() {
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int av = 0;
if(!m_f_ssl) av = client.available();
else av = clientsecure.available();
av = _client->available();
if(av < 1){
if(f_end) return;
if(f_begin) {f_end = true;}
......@@ -2292,8 +2260,7 @@ void Audio::processPlayListData() {
int16_t pos = 0;
if(!m_f_ssl) b = client.read();
else b = clientsecure.read();
b = _client->read();
if(b == 0xff) b = '\n'; // no more to read? send new line
if(b == '\n') {pl[pos] = 0; break;}
if(b < 0x20 || b > 0x7E) continue;
......@@ -2396,8 +2363,7 @@ void Audio::processPlayListData() {
// if(m_f_Log) if(audio_info) audio_info(chbuf);
pos = indexOf(pl, "/", 10);
if(strncmp(host, m_lastHost, pos) == 0){ // same host?
if(!m_f_ssl) {client.stop(); client.flush();}
else {clientsecure.stop(); clientsecure.flush();}
_client->stop(); _client->flush();
else connecttohost(host); // different host,
......@@ -3051,14 +3017,12 @@ void Audio::processWebStream() {
tmr_1s = millis();
if(m_f_ssl == false) availableBytes = client.available(); // available from stream
if(m_f_ssl == true) availableBytes = clientsecure.available(); // available from stream
availableBytes = _client->available(); // available from stream
// if we have chunked data transfer: get the chunksize- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(m_f_chunked && !m_chunkcount && availableBytes) { // Expecting a new chunkcount?
int b;
if(!m_f_ssl) b = client.read();
else b = clientsecure.read();
b = _client->read();
if(b == '\r') return;
if(b == '\n'){
......@@ -3081,8 +3045,7 @@ void Audio::processWebStream() {
// if we have metadata: get them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(!metacount && !m_f_swm && availableBytes){
int16_t b = 0;
if(!m_f_ssl) b = client.read();
else b = clientsecure.read();
b = _client->read();
if(b >= 0) {
if(m_f_chunked) m_chunkcount--;
if(readMetadata(b)) metacount = m_metaint;
......@@ -3130,8 +3093,7 @@ void Audio::processWebStream() {
if(byteCounter + bytesCanBeWritten >= m_contentlength) bytesCanBeWritten = m_contentlength - byteCounter;
if(m_f_ssl == false) bytesAddedToBuffer = client.read(InBuff.getWritePtr(), bytesCanBeWritten);
else bytesAddedToBuffer = clientsecure.read(InBuff.getWritePtr(), bytesCanBeWritten);
bytesAddedToBuffer = _client->read(InBuff.getWritePtr(), bytesCanBeWritten);
if(bytesAddedToBuffer > 0) {
if(m_f_webfile) byteCounter += bytesAddedToBuffer; // Pull request #42
......@@ -3214,8 +3176,7 @@ void Audio::processWebStream() {
void Audio::processAudioHeaderData() {
int av = 0;
if(!m_f_ssl) av=client.available();
else av= clientsecure.available();
av= _client->available();
if(av <= 0) return;
char hl[512]; // headerline
......@@ -3227,8 +3188,7 @@ void Audio::processAudioHeaderData() {
static bool f_icyurl = false;
if(!m_f_ssl) b = client.read();
else b = clientsecure.read();
b = _client->read();
if(b == '\n') break;
if(b == '\r') hl[pos] = 0;
if(b < 0x20) continue;
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ private:
int16_t* IIR_filterChain2(int16_t* iir_in, bool clear = false);
inline void setDatamode(uint8_t dm){m_datamode=dm;}
inline uint8_t getDatamode(){return m_datamode;}
inline uint32_t streamavail() {if(m_f_ssl==false) return client.available(); else return clientsecure.available();}
inline uint32_t streamavail(){ return _client ? _client->available() : 0;}
void IIR_calculateCoefficients(int8_t G1, int8_t G2, int8_t G3);
// implement several function with respect to the index of string
......@@ -390,6 +390,7 @@ private:
File audiofile; // @suppress("Abstract class cannot be instantiated")
WiFiClient client; // @suppress("Abstract class cannot be instantiated")
WiFiClientSecure clientsecure; // @suppress("Abstract class cannot be instantiated")
WiFiClient* _client = nullptr;
WiFiUDP udpclient; // @suppress("Abstract class cannot be instantiated")
i2s_config_t m_i2s_config; // stores values for I2S driver
i2s_pin_config_t m_pin_config;
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