Unverified Commit a4ae2188 authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub
parent 6793db0b
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......@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ private:
bool m_f_internalDAC = false; // false: output vis I2S, true output via internal DAC
bool m_f_rtsp = false; // set if RTSP is used (m3u8 stream)
bool m_f_m3u8data = false; // used in processM3U8entries
bool m_f_Log = true; // if m3u8: log is cancelled
bool m_f_Log = false; // set in platformio.ini -DAUDIO_LOG and -DCORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=3 or 4
bool m_f_continue = false; // next m3u8 chunk is available
bool m_f_ts = true; // transport stream
uint8_t m_f_channelEnabled = 3; // internal DAC, both channels
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