Unverified Commit a1e37cda authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

Vorbis decoder not handling continued pages correctly #553

parent dfe524b4
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* adapted for the ESP32 by schreibfaul1
* Created on: 13.02.2023
* Updated on: 19.04.2023
* Updated on: 18.06.2023
// O G G I M P L.
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ bool s_f_vorbisNewSteamTitle = false; // streamTitle
bool s_f_vorbisFramePacket = false;
bool s_f_oggContinuedPage = false;
bool s_f_oggLastPage = false;
bool s_f_parseOggDone = true;
bool s_f_lastSegmentTable = false;
uint16_t s_identificatonHeaderLength = 0;
uint16_t s_commentHeaderLength = 0;
uint16_t s_setupHeaderLength = 0;
......@@ -43,6 +45,8 @@ uint8_t s_pageNr = 4;
uint16_t s_oggHeaderSize = 0;
uint8_t s_vorbisChannels = 0;
uint16_t s_vorbisSamplerate = 0;
uint16_t s_lastSegmentTableLen = 0;
uint8_t *s_lastSegmentTable = NULL;
uint32_t s_vorbisBitRate = 0;
uint32_t s_vorbisSegmentLength = 0;
char *s_vorbisChbuf = NULL;
......@@ -76,12 +80,14 @@ vorbis_dsp_state_t *s_dsp_state = NULL;
bool VORBISDecoder_AllocateBuffers(){
s_vorbisSegmentTable = (uint16_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(uint16_t));
s_vorbisChbuf = (char*)malloc(256);
s_lastSegmentTable = (uint8_t*)malloc(512);
return true;
void VORBISDecoder_FreeBuffers(){
if(s_vorbisSegmentTable) {free(s_vorbisSegmentTable); s_vorbisSegmentTable = NULL;}
if(s_vorbisChbuf){free(s_vorbisChbuf); s_vorbisChbuf = NULL;}
if(s_lastSegmentTable){free(s_lastSegmentTable); s_lastSegmentTable = NULL;}
if(s_nrOfMaps) {
for(int i = 0; i < s_nrOfMaps; i++) /* unpack does the range checking */
......@@ -119,6 +125,8 @@ void VORBISsetDefaults(){
s_f_vorbisParseOgg = false;
s_f_vorbisNewSteamTitle = false; // streamTitle
s_f_vorbisFramePacket = false;
s_f_lastSegmentTable = false;
s_f_parseOggDone = false;
s_vorbisChannels = 0;
s_vorbisSamplerate = 0;
s_vorbisBitRate = 0;
......@@ -128,6 +136,7 @@ void VORBISsetDefaults(){
s_vorbisOldMode = 0xFF;
s_vorbisSegmentTableRdPtr = -1;
s_vorbisError = 0;
s_lastSegmentTableLen = 0;
......@@ -144,11 +153,21 @@ int VORBISDecode(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf){
if(s_vorbisSegmentTableSize > 0){
int len = s_vorbisSegmentTable[s_vorbisSegmentTableRdPtr];
*bytesLeft -= len;
int len = 0;
// With the last segment of a table, we don't know whether it will be continued in the next Ogg page.
// So the last segment is saved. s_lastSegmentTableLen specifies the size of the last saved segment.
// If the next Ogg Page does not contain a 'continuedPage', the last segment is played first. However,
// if 'continuedPage' is set, the first segment of the new page is added to the saved segment and played.
if(s_lastSegmentTableLen == 0 || s_f_oggContinuedPage || s_f_oggLastPage){
len = s_vorbisSegmentTable[s_vorbisSegmentTableRdPtr];
*bytesLeft -= len;
if(s_pageNr == 1){ // identificaton header
int idx = VORBIS_specialIndexOf(inbuf, "vorbis", 10);
......@@ -201,25 +220,60 @@ int VORBISDecode(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf){
s_pageNr = 4;
s_dsp_state = vorbis_dsp_create();
else{ // VORBIS decode stream
if(s_f_oggContinuedPage){ // the next data are no audio
if(s_vorbisSegmentTableSize== 0){
s_vorbisSegmentTableRdPtr = -1; // back to the parking position
s_f_vorbisFramePacket = false;
s_f_vorbisParseOgg = true;
else{ // page >= 4
if(s_f_parseOggDone){ // first loop after VORBISparseOGG()
log_i("continuedPage s_lastSegmentTableLen %i, len %i", s_lastSegmentTableLen, len);
if(s_lastSegmentTableLen > 0 || len > 0){
memcpy(s_lastSegmentTable + s_lastSegmentTableLen, inbuf, len);
bitReader_setData(s_lastSegmentTable, s_lastSegmentTableLen + len);
ret = vorbis_dsp_synthesis(s_lastSegmentTable, s_lastSegmentTableLen + len, outbuf);
uint16_t outBuffSize = 2048 * 2;
s_vorbisValidSamples = vorbis_dsp_pcmout(outbuf, outBuffSize);
s_lastSegmentTableLen = 0;
if(!ret && !len) ret = VORBIS_CONTINUE;
else{ // s_lastSegmentTableLen is 0 and len is 0
s_vorbisValidSamples = 0;
s_f_oggContinuedPage = false;
else{ // last segment without continued Page
bitReader_setData(s_lastSegmentTable, s_lastSegmentTableLen);
ret = vorbis_dsp_synthesis(s_lastSegmentTable, s_lastSegmentTableLen, outbuf);
uint16_t outBuffSize = 2048 * 2;
s_vorbisValidSamples = vorbis_dsp_pcmout(outbuf, outBuffSize);
s_lastSegmentTableLen = 0;
if(ret == OV_ENOTAUDIO || ret == 0 ) ret = VORBIS_CONTINUE; // if no error send continue
bitReader_setData(inbuf, len);
if(s_f_oggContinuedPage) return VORBIS_PARSE_OGG_DONE;
ret = vorbis_dsp_synthesis(inbuf, len, outbuf);
uint16_t outBuffSize = 2048 * 2;
s_vorbisValidSamples = vorbis_dsp_pcmout(outbuf, outBuffSize);
ret = 0;
else { // not s_f_parseOggDone
if(s_vorbisSegmentTableSize || s_f_lastSegmentTable){
if(s_f_oggLastPage) log_i("last page");
bitReader_setData(inbuf, len);
ret = vorbis_dsp_synthesis(inbuf, len, outbuf);
uint16_t outBuffSize = 2048 * 2;
s_vorbisValidSamples = vorbis_dsp_pcmout(outbuf, outBuffSize);
ret = 0;
else{ // last segment
memcpy(s_lastSegmentTable, inbuf, len);
s_lastSegmentTableLen = len;
s_vorbisValidSamples = 0;
ret = 0;
s_lastSegmentTableLen = 0;
s_vorbisValidSamples = 0;
s_f_parseOggDone = false;
if(s_vorbisSegmentTableSize== 0){
if(s_vorbisSegmentTableSize == 0){
s_vorbisSegmentTableRdPtr = -1; // back to the parking position
s_f_vorbisFramePacket = false;
s_f_vorbisParseOgg = true;
......@@ -554,9 +608,10 @@ int VORBISparseOGG(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){
uint16_t headerSize = pageSegments + 27;
log_i("headerSize %i, s_vorbisSegmentLength %i, s_vorbisSegmentTableSize %i", headerSize, s_vorbisSegmentLength, s_vorbisSegmentTableSize);
if(firstPage || continuedPage || lastPage){
// log_w("firstPage %i continuedPage %i lastPage %i", firstPage, continuedPage, lastPage);
// log_i("headerSize %i, s_vorbisSegmentLength %i, s_vorbisSegmentTableSize %i", headerSize, s_vorbisSegmentLength, s_vorbisSegmentTableSize);
log_w("firstPage %i continuedPage %i lastPage %i", firstPage, continuedPage, lastPage);
*bytesLeft -= headerSize;
......@@ -568,6 +623,7 @@ int VORBISparseOGG(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){
if(firstPage) s_pageNr = 1;
s_f_vorbisFramePacket = true;
s_f_parseOggDone = true;
return VORBIS_PARSE_OGG_DONE; // no error
......@@ -1583,7 +1639,7 @@ void vorbis_dsp_destroy(vorbis_dsp_state_t *v) {
int vorbis_dsp_synthesis(uint8_t* inbuf, uint16_t len, int16_t* outbuf) {
int mode, i;
int mode, i;
/* Check the packet type */
if(bitReader(1) != 0) {
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
#define cPI2_8 (0x5a82799a)
#define cPI1_8 (0x7641af3d)
enum : int8_t {VORBIS_PARSE_OGG_DONE = 100,
enum : int8_t {VORBIS_CONTINUE = 110,
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