Unverified Commit 77fcdd3f authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

fix Metadata block to long #411

test case: http://mcrscast.mcr.iol.pt/cidadefm
metadata are in xml format ~ 1KB and bigger (the normal length is  ~ 200 bytes)
buffer enlarged (if PSRAM found), so streamtitle can only displayed if PSRAM is available, otherwise, metadata are ignored
parent 41846861
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Audio.h
* Created on: Oct 28,2018
* Updated on: Nov 04,2022
* Updated on: Nov 16,2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -473,7 +473,8 @@ private:
static const uint8_t m_tsPacketSize = 188;
static const uint8_t m_tsHeaderSize = 4;
char chbuf[512 + 128]; // must be greater than m_lastHost #254
char* m_chbuf = NULL;
uint16_t m_chbufSize = 0; // will set in constructor (depending on PSRAM)
char m_lastHost[512]; // Store the last URL to a webstream
char* m_playlistBuff = NULL; // stores playlistdata
const uint16_t m_plsBuffEntryLen = 256; // length of each entry in playlistBuff
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