Unverified Commit 31e32ccc authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

preparations for hls (m3u8) aac streams

m3u8 streams are working if:
- the chunklist remains unchanged
- the sequence number is continuous
- the list from server is sent as text, not as gzip
parent 022eaa79
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Audio.h
* Created on: Oct 26,2018
* Updated on: Aug 12,2021
* Updated on: Sep 16,2021
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ private:
void processLocalFile();
void processWebStream();
void processPlayListData();
void processM3U8entries(uint8_t nrOfEntries = 0, uint32_t seqNr = 0, uint8_t pos = 0, uint16_t targetDuration = 0);
void showCodecParams();
int findNextSync(uint8_t* data, size_t len);
int sendBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t len);
......@@ -346,6 +347,7 @@ private:
File audiofile; // @suppress("Abstract class cannot be instantiated")
WiFiClient client; // @suppress("Abstract class cannot be instantiated")
WiFiClientSecure clientsecure; // @suppress("Abstract class cannot be instantiated")
WiFiUDP udpclient; // @suppress("Abstract class cannot be instantiated")
i2s_config_t m_i2s_config; // stores values for I2S driver
i2s_pin_config_t m_pin_config;
......@@ -356,6 +358,8 @@ private:
char chbuf[512];
char m_lastHost[256]; // Store the last URL to a webstream
char* m_playlistBuff = NULL; // stores playlistdata
const uint16_t m_plsBuffEntryLen = 256; // length of each entry in playlistBuff
filter_t m_filter[3]; // digital filters
int m_LFcount = 0; // Detection of end of header
uint32_t m_sampleRate=16000;
......@@ -370,6 +374,7 @@ private:
uint8_t m_channels=2;
uint8_t m_i2s_num = I2S_NUM_0; // I2S_NUM_0 or I2S_NUM_1
uint8_t m_playlistFormat = 0; // M3U, PLS, ASX
uint8_t m_m3u8codec = CODEC_NONE; // M4A
uint8_t m_codec = CODEC_NONE; //
uint8_t m_filterType[2]; // lowpass, highpass
int16_t m_outBuff[2048*2]; // Interleaved L/R
......@@ -408,6 +413,9 @@ private:
bool m_f_forceMono = false; // if true stereo -> mono
bool m_f_internalDAC = false; // false: output vis I2S, true output via internal DAC
bool m_f_rtsp = false; // set if RTSP is used (m3u8 stream)
bool m_f_m3u8data = false; // used in processM3U8entries
bool m_f_Log = true; // if m3u8: log is cancelled
bool m_f_continue = false; // next m3u8 chunk is available
i2s_dac_mode_t m_f_channelEnabled = I2S_DAC_CHANNEL_LEFT_EN; // internal DAC on GPIO26 for M5StickC/Plus
uint32_t m_audioFileDuration = 0;
float m_audioCurrentTime = 0;
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