"teacherlanding.educatorResources":"Resources for Educators",
"teacherlanding.educatorGuides":"Educator Guides show you how to prepare and run Scratch classes and workshops.",
"teacherlanding.creativeComputing":"Creative Computing from the ScratchEd team provides plans, activities, and strategies for introducing creative computing.",
"teacherlanding.educatorGuides":"{educatorLink} show you how to prepare and run Scratch classes and workshops.",
"teacherlanding.creativeComputing":"{scratchEdLink} from the ScratchEd team provides plans, activities, and strategies for introducing creative computing.",
"teacherlanding.codingCardResources":"Download and print {codingCardLink} for step-by-step instructions for a variety of projects.",
"teacherlanding.codingCardLink":"Coding Cards",
"teacherlanding.ideasResources":"Visit the {ideasPageLink} for additional resources from the Scratch Team",
"teacherlanding.ideasLink":"Ideas Page",
"teacherlanding.connectingWithEducators":"Connect with Other Educators",
"teacherlanding.teachingWithScratch":"Join the Teaching with Scratch Facebook group to share ideas, questions, and resources related to teaching with Scratch.",
"teacherlanding.attendMeetups":"Attend ScratchEd Educator Meetups to share ideas and strategies with other educators for supporting computational creativity in all its forms.",