"teacherlanding.intro":"Your students can use Scratch to code their own interactive stories, animations, and games. In the process, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for everyone in today’s society.",
"teacherlanding.inPracticeIntro":"Educators are using Scratch in a wide variety of: ",
"teacherlanding.generalUsageSettings":"<b>Settings:</b> schools, museums, libraries, community centers",
"teacherlanding.generalUsageGradeLevels":"<b>Grade Levels:</b> elementary, middle, and high school (and some colleges too!)",
"teacherlanding.generalUsageSubjectAreas":"<b>Subject Areas:</b> language arts, science, social studies, math, computer science, foreign languages, and the arts",
"teacherlanding.scratchEdTitle":"A Community for Educators",
"teacherlanding.scratchEdDescription":"<a href=\"http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/\">ScratchEd</a> is an online community where Scratch educators <a href=\"http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/stories\">share stories</a>, exchange resources, ask questions, and find people. ScratchEd is developed and supported by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",