Commit 71435534 authored by Matthew Taylor's avatar Matthew Taylor

Explicitly set `Accept-Language` to cookie lang

So that xhr requests to scratchr2 can get the right language
parent fe96c6fa
var defaults = require('lodash.defaults');
var xhr = require('xhr');
var jar = require('../lib/jar.js');
var log = require('../lib/log.js');
var CookieMixinFactory = require('./cookieMixinFactory.jsx');
......@@ -30,6 +32,9 @@ var Api = {
if (typeof jar.get('scratchlanguage') !== 'undefined') {
opts.headers['Accept-Language'] = jar.get('scratchlanguage') + ', en;q=0.8';
if (opts.useCsrf) {
this.useScratchcsrftoken(function (err, csrftoken) {
if (err) return log.error('Error while retrieving CSRF token', err);
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