"registration.waitForApprovalDescription":"You can log into your Scratch Account now, but the features specific to Teachers are not yet available. Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to 24 hours. You will receive an email indicating your account has been upgraded once your account has been approved.",
"registration.welcomeStepDescription":"You have successfully set up a Scratch account! You are now a member of the class:",
"registration.welcomeStepPrompt":"To get started, click on the button below.",
"registration.welcomeStepTitle":"Hurray! Welcome to Scratch!"
"registration.welcomeStepTitle":"Hurray! Welcome to Scratch!",
"teacherlanding.generalUsageSettings":"<b>Settings:</b> schools, museums, libraries, community centers",
"teacherlanding.generalUsageGradeLevels":"<b>Grade Levels:</b> elementary, middle, and high school (and some colleges too!)",
"teacherlanding.generalUsageSubjectAreas":"<b>Subject Areas:</b> language arts, science, social studies, math, computer science, foreign languages, and the arts",
"teacherlanding.scratchEdTitle":"A Community for Educators",
"teacherlanding.scratchEdDescription":"<a href=\"http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/\">ScratchEd</a> is an online community where Scratch educators <a href=\"http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/stories\">share stories</a>, exchange resources, ask questions, and find people. ScratchEd is developed and supported by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",