Unverified Commit b8c9e896 authored by Silvano Cerza's avatar Silvano Cerza Committed by GitHub

Add flag to skip libraries dependencies installation to gRPC LibraryInstall function (#1195)

parent 4c9ce83e
......@@ -118,49 +118,16 @@ func runInstallCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
toInstall := map[string]*rpc.LibraryDependencyStatus{}
if installFlags.noDeps {
for _, libRef := range libRefs {
toInstall[libRef.Name] = &rpc.LibraryDependencyStatus{
Name: libRef.Name,
VersionRequired: libRef.Version,
} else {
for _, libRef := range libRefs {
depsResp, err := lib.LibraryResolveDependencies(context.Background(), &rpc.LibraryResolveDependenciesReq{
libraryInstallReq := &rpc.LibraryInstallReq{
Instance: instance,
Name: libRef.Name,
Version: libRef.Version,
if err != nil {
feedback.Errorf("Error resolving dependencies for %s: %s", libRef, err)
for _, dep := range depsResp.GetDependencies() {
feedback.Printf("%s depends on %s@%s", libRef, dep.GetName(), dep.GetVersionRequired())
if existingDep, has := toInstall[dep.GetName()]; has {
if existingDep.GetVersionRequired() != dep.GetVersionRequired() {
// TODO: make a better error
feedback.Errorf("The library %s is required in two different versions: %s and %s",
dep.GetName(), dep.GetVersionRequired(), existingDep.GetVersionRequired())
toInstall[dep.GetName()] = dep
for _, library := range toInstall {
libraryInstallReq := &rpc.LibraryInstallReq{
Instance: instance,
Name: library.Name,
Version: library.VersionRequired,
NoDeps: installFlags.noDeps,
err := lib.LibraryInstall(context.Background(), libraryInstallReq, output.ProgressBar(), output.TaskProgress())
if err != nil {
feedback.Errorf("Error installing %s: %v", library, err)
feedback.Errorf("Error installing %s: %v", libRef.Name, err)
......@@ -207,6 +207,10 @@ func main() {
log.Println("calling LibraryInstall(WiFi101@0.15.2)")
callLibInstall(client, instance, "0.15.2")
// Install a library skipping deps installation
log.Println("calling LibraryInstall(Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier@0.9.9) skipping dependencies")
callLibInstallNoDeps(client, instance, "0.9.9")
// Upgrade all libs to latest
log.Println("calling LibraryUpgradeAll()")
callLibUpgradeAll(client, instance)
......@@ -813,6 +817,38 @@ func callLibInstall(client rpc.ArduinoCoreClient, instance *rpc.Instance, versio
func callLibInstallNoDeps(client rpc.ArduinoCoreClient, instance *rpc.Instance, version string) {
installRespStream, err := client.LibraryInstall(context.Background(),
Instance: instance,
Name: "Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier",
Version: version,
NoDeps: true,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error installing library: %s", err)
for {
installResp, err := installRespStream.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
log.Print("Lib install done")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Install error: %s", err)
if installResp.GetProgress() != nil {
log.Printf("DOWNLOAD: %s\n", installResp.GetProgress())
if installResp.GetTaskProgress() != nil {
log.Printf("TASK: %s\n", installResp.GetTaskProgress())
func callLibUpgradeAll(client rpc.ArduinoCoreClient, instance *rpc.Instance) {
libUpgradeAllRespStream, err := client.LibraryUpgradeAll(context.Background(),
......@@ -32,7 +32,38 @@ func LibraryInstall(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.LibraryInstallReq,
lm := commands.GetLibraryManager(req.GetInstance().GetId())
libRelease, err := findLibraryIndexRelease(lm, req)
toInstall := map[string]*rpc.LibraryDependencyStatus{}
if req.NoDeps {
toInstall[req.Name] = &rpc.LibraryDependencyStatus{
Name: req.Name,
VersionRequired: req.Version,
} else {
res, err := LibraryResolveDependencies(ctx, &rpc.LibraryResolveDependenciesReq{
Instance: req.Instance,
Name: req.Name,
Version: req.Version,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error resolving dependencies for %s@%s: %s", req.Name, req.Version, err)
for _, dep := range res.Dependencies {
if existingDep, has := toInstall[dep.Name]; has {
if existingDep.VersionRequired != dep.VersionRequired {
return fmt.Errorf("two different versions of the library %s are required: %s and %s",
dep.Name, dep.VersionRequired, existingDep.VersionRequired)
toInstall[dep.Name] = dep
for _, lib := range toInstall {
libRelease, err := findLibraryIndexRelease(lm, &rpc.LibraryInstallReq{
Name: lib.Name,
Version: lib.VersionRequired,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("looking for library: %s", err)
......@@ -44,6 +75,7 @@ func LibraryInstall(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.LibraryInstallReq,
if err := installLibrary(lm, libRelease, taskCB); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := commands.Rescan(req.GetInstance().GetId()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rescanning libraries: %s", err)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ message LibraryInstallReq {
string name = 2;
// The version of the library to install.
string version = 3;
// Set to true to skip installation of specified library's dependencies, defaults to false.
bool noDeps = 4;
message LibraryInstallResp {
......@@ -194,8 +194,55 @@ def test_install(run_command):
# Test failing-install of library with wrong dependency
# (https://github.com/arduino/arduino-cli/issues/534)
result = run_command("lib install MD_Parola@3.2.0")
assert "Error resolving dependencies for MD_Parola@3.2.0: dependency 'MD_MAX72xx' is not available" in result.stderr
res = run_command("lib install MD_Parola@3.2.0")
assert res.failed
assert "Error resolving dependencies for MD_Parola@3.2.0: dependency 'MD_MAX72xx' is not available" in res.stderr
def test_install_library_with_dependencies(run_command):
assert run_command("update")
# Verifies libraries are not installed
res = run_command("lib list --format json")
assert res.ok
data = json.loads(res.stdout)
installed_libraries = [l["library"]["name"] for l in data]
assert "MD_Parola" not in installed_libraries
assert "MD_MAX72XX" not in installed_libraries
# Install library
assert run_command("lib install MD_Parola@3.5.5")
# Verifies library's dependencies are correctly installed
res = run_command("lib list --format json")
assert res.ok
data = json.loads(res.stdout)
installed_libraries = [l["library"]["name"] for l in data]
assert "MD_Parola" in installed_libraries
assert "MD_MAX72XX" in installed_libraries
def test_install_no_deps(run_command):
assert run_command("update")
# Verifies libraries are not installed
res = run_command("lib list --format json")
assert res.ok
data = json.loads(res.stdout)
installed_libraries = [l["library"]["name"] for l in data]
assert "MD_Parola" not in installed_libraries
assert "MD_MAX72XX" not in installed_libraries
# Install library skipping dependencies installation
assert run_command("lib install MD_Parola@3.5.5 --no-deps")
# Verifies library's dependencies are not installed
res = run_command("lib list --format json")
assert res.ok
data = json.loads(res.stdout)
installed_libraries = [l["library"]["name"] for l in data]
assert "MD_Parola" in installed_libraries
assert "MD_MAX72XX" not in installed_libraries
def test_install_git_url_and_zip_path_flags_visibility(run_command, data_dir, downloads_dir):
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