Commit 20e77aad authored by Silvano Cerza's avatar Silvano Cerza Committed by Silvano Cerza

Change board list output sorting (#1281)

Calling board list command now returns the detected boards sorted by
FQBN alphabetically, Arduino boards are always shown before all the
parent 62566bb8
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
......@@ -117,9 +118,14 @@ func identify(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, port *commands.BoardPort) ([]*r
// first query installed cores through the Package Manager
logrus.Debug("Querying installed cores for board identification...")
for _, board := range pm.IdentifyBoard(port.IdentificationPrefs) {
// We need the Platform maintaner for sorting so we set it here
platform := &rpc.Platform{
Maintainer: board.PlatformRelease.Platform.Package.Maintainer,
boards = append(boards, &rpc.BoardListItem{
Name: board.Name(),
Fqbn: board.FQBN(),
Platform: platform,
Vid: port.IdentificationPrefs.Get("vid"),
Pid: port.IdentificationPrefs.Get("pid"),
......@@ -142,6 +148,25 @@ func identify(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, port *commands.BoardPort) ([]*r
// boards)
boards = items
// Sort by FQBN alphabetically
sort.Slice(boards, func(i, j int) bool {
return boards[i].Fqbn < boards[j].Fqbn
// Put Arduino boards before others in case there are non Arduino boards with identical VID:PID combination
sort.SliceStable(boards, func(i, j int) bool {
if boards[i].Platform.Maintainer == "Arduino" && boards[j].Platform.Maintainer != "Arduino" {
return true
return false
// We need the Board's Platform only for sorting but it shouldn't be present in the output
for _, board := range boards {
board.Platform = nil
return boards, nil
......@@ -19,12 +19,16 @@ import (
semver ""
func init() {
......@@ -109,3 +113,53 @@ func TestBoardDetectionViaAPIWithNonUSBPort(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, err, ErrNotFound)
require.Empty(t, items)
func TestBoardIdentifySorting(t *testing.T) {
dataDir := paths.TempDir().Join("test", "data_dir")
os.Setenv("ARDUINO_DATA_DIR", dataDir.String())
defer paths.TempDir().Join("test").RemoveAll()
// We don't really care about the paths in this case
pm := packagemanager.NewPackageManager(dataDir, dataDir, dataDir, dataDir)
// Create some boards with identical VID:PID combination
pack := pm.Packages.GetOrCreatePackage("packager")
pack.Maintainer = "NotArduino"
platform := pack.GetOrCreatePlatform("platform")
platformRelease := platform.GetOrCreateRelease(semver.MustParse("0.0.0"))
platformRelease.InstallDir = dataDir
board := platformRelease.GetOrCreateBoard("boardA")
board.Properties.Set("vid", "0x0000")
board.Properties.Set("pid", "0x0000")
board = platformRelease.GetOrCreateBoard("boardB")
board.Properties.Set("vid", "0x0000")
board.Properties.Set("pid", "0x0000")
// Create some Arduino boards with same VID:PID combination as boards created previously
pack = pm.Packages.GetOrCreatePackage("arduino")
pack.Maintainer = "Arduino"
platform = pack.GetOrCreatePlatform("avr")
platformRelease = platform.GetOrCreateRelease(semver.MustParse("0.0.0"))
platformRelease.InstallDir = dataDir
board = platformRelease.GetOrCreateBoard("nessuno")
board.Properties.Set("vid", "0x0000")
board.Properties.Set("pid", "0x0000")
board = platformRelease.GetOrCreateBoard("assurdo")
board.Properties.Set("vid", "0x0000")
board.Properties.Set("pid", "0x0000")
idPrefs := properties.NewMap()
idPrefs.Set("vid", "0x0000")
idPrefs.Set("pid", "0x0000")
res, err := identify(pm, &commands.BoardPort{IdentificationPrefs: idPrefs})
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, res)
require.Len(t, res, 4)
// Verify expected sorting
require.Equal(t, res[0].Fqbn, "arduino:avr:assurdo")
require.Equal(t, res[1].Fqbn, "arduino:avr:nessuno")
require.Equal(t, res[2].Fqbn, "packager:platform:boardA")
require.Equal(t, res[3].Fqbn, "packager:platform:boardB")
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