Commit c86dead9 authored by ellen.spertus's avatar ellen.spertus

Created script for regenerating (but not committing) new zip file.

parent e30b7c17
No preview for this file type
Thank you for downloading Blockly and participating in the Hour of Code.
To use Blockly, point a web browser at the file "index.html" in this directory.
You can ask questions about Blockly in the discussion group at:
{namespace appsIndex}
* This is a Closure Template.
* To regenerate just en.js, run this command:
* java -jar ../_soy/SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar --outputPathFormat generated/en.js --srcs ../,,../code/,../graph/,../maze/,../plane/,../puzzle/,../turtle/
* To regenerate all files, see: trunk/apps/
* Translated messages for use on page.
{template .messages}
{call apps.messages /}
<div style="display: none">
<span id="indexTitle">{msg meaning="Apps.indexTitle" desc="page text - The word \u0026quot;Apps\u0026quot; is short for \u0026quot;Applications\u0026quot;. We chose it because it is more informal. This and the following messages currently appear at []."}Blockly Apps{/msg}</
<span id="indexFooter">{msg meaning="Apps.indexFooter" desc="page text - Text appearing at the end of the page. Parameters:\n* %1 - the Blockly URL"}Blockly is free and open source. To contribute code or translations to Blockly, or to use Blockly in your own app, visit %1.{/msg}<span>
* Web page structure.
{template .start}
{call .messages /}
<h1><span id="title">{msg meaning="Apps.indexTitle" desc="IBID"}Blockly Apps{/msg}</span></h1>
</td><td class="farSide">
<select id="languageMenu"></select></td></tr>
{{msg meaning="Apps.choiceIntro" desc="page text - This appears before a list of Blockly apps. Please surround the name of Blockly with brackets so we can make it a hyperlink. Please use the same term for \u0026quot;Blockly\u0026quot; as in {lb}{lb}msg-blockly|Apps.blocklyMessage{rb}{rb}."}}Blockly is a graphical programming environment. Below are some sample applications that use Blockly.{{/msg}}</td></tr>
<a href="puzzle/index.html">
<img src="index/puzzle.png" height=80 width=100>
<div><a href="puzzle/index.html">{msg meaning="Puzzle.title" desc="IBID"}Puzzle{/msg}
<div>{msg meaning="Apps.puzzleSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Puzzle application]."}Learn to use Blockly's interface.{/msg}</div>
<a href="maze/index.html">
<img src="index/maze.png" height=80 width=100>
<div><a href="maze/index.html">{msg meaning="Maze.maze" desc="IBID"}Maze{/msg}</a></div>
<div>{msg meaning="Apps.mazeSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Maze application]."}Use Blockly to solve a maze.{/msg}</div>
<a href="turtle/index.html">
<img src="index/turtle.png" height=80 width=100>
<div><a href="turtle/index.html">{msg meaning="Turtle.title" desc="IBID"}Turtle Graphics{/msg}</a></div>
<div>{msg meaning="Apps.turtleSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Turtle application]."}Use Blockly to draw.{/msg}</div>
<a href="code/index.html">
<img src="index/code.png" height=80 width=100>
<div><a href="code/index.html">{msg meaning="Code.title" desc="IBID"}Code{/msg}</a></div>
<div>{msg meaning="Apps.codeSubtitle" desc="page text - A subtitle describing Blockly's [ Code application]."}Export a Blockly program into JavaScript, Python or XML.{/msg}</div>
// The footer messages are set in index.html.
<p><span id="footer_prefix"></span>
<a href=""></a>
<span id="footer_suffix"></span>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=blockly/apps/index.html" />
# Copy all current files to a temporary directory.
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly
mkdir -p /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly
cp -r /usr/local/google/home/spertus/src-mirror/blockly/* /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly
# Rebuild the index with the latest language files.
cp /usr/local/google/home/spertus/src-mirror/blockly/for-zip/ /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/apps/index/
cd /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/apps
../i18n/ --output_dir=index/generated --template,index/ json/*.json
# Copy in the files just for this distribution
cp /usr/local/google/home/spertus/src-mirror/blockly/for-zip/{index.html,README.txt} /var/tmp/blockly/
# Remove unneeded files and directories.
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/appengine
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/apps/{blockfactory,graph,json,plane}
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/apps/{common,template}.soy
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/apps/*/
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/apps/index/{blockfactory,graph,plane}.png
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/apps/maze/sources
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/apps/turtle/contest
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/{blocks,core,demos,for-zip,generators,i18n,tests}
rm -rf /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/{,codereview.settings,}
rm /var/tmp/blockly-zip/blockly/
# Zip it up.
cd /var/tmp
rm /usr/local/google/home/spertus/src-mirror/blockly/
zip -r /usr/local/google/home/spertus/src-mirror/blockly/ blockly-zip -x "**/.svn**"
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