Commit 8a4edb79 authored by Neil Fraser's avatar Neil Fraser

Post-translation recompile

parent 6ad287bb
...@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ Blockly.Msg.MATH_ADDITION_SYMBOL = "+"; ...@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ Blockly.Msg.MATH_ADDITION_SYMBOL = "+";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_HELPURL = "ארבע_פעולות_החשבון"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_HELPURL = "ארבע_פעולות_החשבון";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_ADD = "תחזיר את סכום שני המספרים."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_ADD = "תחזיר את סכום שני המספרים.";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_DIVIDE = "Return the quotient of the two numbers."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_DIVIDE = "Return the quotient of the two numbers."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MINUS = "Return the difference of the two numbers."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MINUS = "החזרת ההפרש בין שני מספרים.";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MULTIPLY = "Return the product of the two numbers."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MULTIPLY = "החזרת תוצאת הכפל בין שני מספרים.";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_POWER = "Return the first number raised to the power of the second number."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_POWER = "Return the first number raised to the power of the second number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE = "change %1 by %2"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_CHANGE_TITLE = "change %1 by %2"; // untranslated
...@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_STD_DEV = "Return the standard deviation of the ...@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_STD_DEV = "Return the standard deviation of the
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_SUM = "Return the sum of all the numbers in the list."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_SUM = "Return the sum of all the numbers in the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_POWER_SYMBOL = "^"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_POWER_SYMBOL = "^";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TITLE_RANDOM = "random fraction"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TITLE_RANDOM = "שבר אקראי";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TOOLTIP = "Return a random fraction between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TOOLTIP = "Return a random fraction between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_TITLE = "random integer from %1 to %2"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_RANDOM_INT_TITLE = "random integer from %1 to %2"; // untranslated
...@@ -232,15 +232,15 @@ Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_HELPURL = ""; // u ...@@ -232,15 +232,15 @@ Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_HELPURL = ""; // u
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUND = "עיגול"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUND = "עיגול";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDDOWN = "עיגול למטה"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDDOWN = "עיגול למטה";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDUP = "עיגול למעלה"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDUP = "עיגול למעלה";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP = "Round a number up or down."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP = "עיגול מספר למעלה או למטה.";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_OP_ABSOLUTE = "ערך מוחלט"; Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_OP_ABSOLUTE = "ערך מוחלט";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_OP_ROOT = "square root"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_OP_ROOT = "square root"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ABS = "Return the absolute value of a number."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ABS = "החזרת הערך המוחלט של מספר.";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_EXP = "Return e to the power of a number."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_EXP = "Return e to the power of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LN = "Return the natural logarithm of a number."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LN = "החזרת הלוגריתם הטבעי של מספר.";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LOG10 = "Return the base 10 logarithm of a number."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LOG10 = "Return the base 10 logarithm of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_NEG = "Return the negation of a number."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_NEG = "החזרת הערך הנגדי של מספר.";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10 = "Return 10 to the power of a number."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10 = "Return 10 to the power of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ROOT = "Return the square root of a number."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ROOT = "Return the square root of a number."; // untranslated
...@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TOOLTIP = "הוסף, הסר או סדר ...@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TOOLTIP = "הוסף, הסר או סדר
Blockly.Msg.REMOVE_COMMENT = "הסר הערה"; Blockly.Msg.REMOVE_COMMENT = "הסר הערה";
Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE = "שנה את שם המשתנה..."; Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE = "שנה את שם המשתנה...";
Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE = "שנה את שם כל '%1' המשתנים ל:"; Blockly.Msg.RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE = "שנה את שם כל '%1' המשתנים ל:";
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_APPENDTEXT = "append text"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_APPENDTEXT = "הוספת טקסט";
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_TO = "to"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_TO = "to"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_TOOLTIP = "Append some text to variable '%1'."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_APPEND_TOOLTIP = "Append some text to variable '%1'."; // untranslated
...@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_HELPURL = " ...@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_HELPURL = "
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_TITLE = "%1 is empty"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_TITLE = "%1 is empty"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Returns true if the provided text is empty."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Returns true if the provided text is empty."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_TITLE_CREATEWITH = "create text with"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_TITLE_CREATEWITH = "יצירת טקסט עם";
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_TOOLTIP = "Create a piece of text by joining together any number of items."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_JOIN_TOOLTIP = "Create a piece of text by joining together any number of items."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_TITLE = "length of %1"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TEXT_LENGTH_TITLE = "length of %1"; // untranslated
...@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ goog.provide(''); ...@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ goog.provide('');
goog.require('Blockly.Msg'); goog.require('Blockly.Msg');
Blockly.Msg.ADD_COMMENT = "Tambahkan sebuah comment"; Blockly.Msg.ADD_COMMENT = "Tambahkan sebuah comment";
Blockly.Msg.AUTH = "Please authorize this app to enable your work to be saved and to allow it to be shared by you."; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.AUTH = "Silakan mengotorisasi aplikasi ini untuk memungkinkan pekerjaan Anda dapat disimpan dan digunakan bersama.";
Blockly.Msg.CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE = "Ubah nilai:"; Blockly.Msg.CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE = "Ubah nilai:";
Blockly.Msg.CHAT = "Chat with your collaborator by typing in this box!"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.CHAT = "Chatting dengan kolaborator Anda dengan mengetikkan di kotak ini!";
Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_ALL = "Tutup blok"; Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_ALL = "Tutup blok";
Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_BLOCK = "Tutup blok"; Blockly.Msg.COLLAPSE_BLOCK = "Tutup blok";
Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR1 = "Warna 1"; Blockly.Msg.COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR1 = "Warna 1";
...@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ATAN = "Kembalikan atan dari angka."; ...@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ATAN = "Kembalikan atan dari angka.";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_COS = "Kembalikan cos dari derajat (bukan radian)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_COS = "Kembalikan cos dari derajat (bukan radian).";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_SIN = "Kembalikan sinus dari derajat (bukan radian)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_SIN = "Kembalikan sinus dari derajat (bukan radian).";
Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_TAN = "Kembalikan tangen dari derajat (tidak radian)."; Blockly.Msg.MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_TAN = "Kembalikan tangen dari derajat (tidak radian).";
Blockly.Msg.ME = "Me"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ME = "Saya";
Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE = "Pembolehubah baru..."; Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE = "Pembolehubah baru...";
Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE = "Nama pembolehubah baru:"; Blockly.Msg.NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE = "Nama pembolehubah baru:";
Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = ""; // untranslated
...@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_BOTH = "pangkas ruang dari kedua belah sisi"; ...@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_BOTH = "pangkas ruang dari kedua belah sisi";
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_LEFT = "pangkas ruang dari sisi kiri"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_LEFT = "pangkas ruang dari sisi kiri";
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_RIGHT = "pangkas ruang dari sisi kanan"; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_RIGHT = "pangkas ruang dari sisi kanan";
Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_TOOLTIP = "Kembali salinan teks dengan spasi dihapus dari satu atau kedua ujungnya."; Blockly.Msg.TEXT_TRIM_TOOLTIP = "Kembali salinan teks dengan spasi dihapus dari satu atau kedua ujungnya.";
Blockly.Msg.TODAY = "Today"; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.TODAY = "Hari ini";
Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME = "item"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME = "item";
Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_CREATE_SET = "Membuat 'tetapkan %1'"; Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_CREATE_SET = "Membuat 'tetapkan %1'";
Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.VARIABLES_GET_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
...@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ Blockly.Msg.DUPLICATE_BLOCK = "Duplicar"; ...@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ Blockly.Msg.DUPLICATE_BLOCK = "Duplicar";
Blockly.Msg.ENABLE_BLOCK = "Habilitar Bloco"; Blockly.Msg.ENABLE_BLOCK = "Habilitar Bloco";
Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_ALL = "Expandir Blocos"; Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_ALL = "Expandir Blocos";
Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_BLOCK = "Expandir Bloco"; Blockly.Msg.EXPAND_BLOCK = "Expandir Bloco";
Blockly.Msg.EXTERNAL_INPUTS = "Entrada externa"; Blockly.Msg.EXTERNAL_INPUTS = "Entradas externas";
Blockly.Msg.HELP = "Ajuda"; Blockly.Msg.HELP = "Ajuda";
Blockly.Msg.INLINE_INPUTS = "Entradas Incorporadas"; Blockly.Msg.INLINE_INPUTS = "Entradas incorporadas";
Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_HELPURL = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE = "criar lista vazia"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE = "criar lista vazia";
Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Retorna uma lista, de tamanho 0, contendo nenhum registro"; Blockly.Msg.LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Retorna uma lista, de tamanho 0, contendo nenhum registro";
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