return'<div style="display: none"><span id="subtitle">a visual programming environment</span><span id="blocklyMessage">Blockly</span><span id="codeTooltip">See generated JavaScript code.</span><span id="linkTooltip">Save and link to blocks.</span><span id="runTooltip">Run the program defined by the blocks in the workspace.</span><span id="runProgram">Run Program</span><span id="resetProgram">Reset</span><span id="dialogOk">OK</span><span id="dialogCancel">Cancel</span><span id="catLogic">Logic</span><span id="catLoops">Loops</span><span id="catMath">Math</span><span id="catText">Text</span><span id="catLists">Lists</span><span id="catColour">Colour</span><span id="catVariables">Variables</span><span id="catProcedures">Functions</span><span id="httpRequestError">There was a problem with the request.</span><span id="linkAlert">Share your blocks with this link:\\n\\n%1</span><span id="hashError">Sorry, \'%1\' doesn\'t correspond with any saved program.</span><span id="xmlError">Could not load your saved file. Perhaps it was created with a different version of Blockly?</span><span id="listVariable">list</span><span id="textVariable">text</span></div>';
returnapps.messages(null,null,opt_ijData)+'<div style="display: none"><span id="Code_badXml">Error parsing XML:\\n%1\\n\\nSelect \'OK\' to abandon your changes or \'Cancel\' to further edit the XML.</span><span id="Code_badCode">Program error:\\n%1</span><span id="Code_timeout">Maximum execution iterations exceeded.</span><span id="Code_discard">Delete all %1 blocks?</span></div>';
* To regenerate all files, see: trunk/apps/
* Translated messages for use in JavaScript.
{template .messages}
{call apps.messages /}
<div style="display: none">
<span id="Code_badXml">{msg meaning="Code.badXml" desc="alert - Message shown when the user tries switching from the XML tab after entering XML text that could not be parsed. This asks whether they wish to abandon the XML they added. If they select 'OK' (or the translated equivalent), the XML is cleared, and the other tab is shown. If they select 'Cancel', they remain on the XML tab with the bad XML.\n\nUsed in JavaScript <code>window.confirm()</code>."}Error parsing XML:\n%1\n\nSelect 'OK' to abandon your changes or 'Cancel' to further edit the XML.{/msg}</span>
<span id="Code_badCode">{msg meaning="Code.badCode" desc="alert - Message shown if an error occurs while interpreting the user program. The error description follows."}Program error:\n%1{/msg}</span>
<span id="Code_timeout">{msg meaning="Code.timeout" desc="alert - Message shown if the program has run for more than the permitted number of steps. This exists so that programs with infinite loops do not run forever."}Maximum execution iterations exceeded.{/msg}</span>
<span id="Code_discard">{msg meaning="Code.discard" desc="alert - Message shown after the user clicks on the 'discard all' icon. Selecting 'OK' (or the translated equivalent) causes all of the blocks to be discarded. Selecting 'Cancel' prevents blocks from being deleted.\n\nParameters:\n* %1 - number of blocks to be deleted. It is always an integer greater than or equal to 2."}Delete all %1 blocks?{/msg}</span>
{{msg meaning="Code.title" desc="title - Title of this application, indicating that it is for writing arbitrary programs.\n{lb}{lb}Identical|Code{rb}{rb}"}}
<td class="farSide">
<select id="languageMenu"></select>
<td colspan=2>
<table width="100%">
<tr id="tabRow" height="1em">
<td id="tab_blocks" class="tabon">{{msg meaning="Code.blocks" desc="tab text - Displays and allows editing of the user's program as blocks.\n{lb}{lb}Identical|Blocks{rb}{rb}"}}Blocks{{/msg}}</td>
<td class="tabmin"> </td>
<td id="tab_arduino" class="taboff">Arduino</td>
<td class="tabmin"> </td>
<td id="tab_xml" class="taboff">XML</td>
<td class="tabmax">
<button id="trashButton" class="notext" title="{msg meaning="Code.trashTooltip" desc="tooltip - Clicking on this causes the user program to be discarded."}Discard all blocks.{/msg}">
<button id="runButton" class="notext primary" title="{msg meaning="Apps.runTooltip" desc="IBID"}Run the program defined by the blocks in the workspace.{/msg}">