Commit 5774165c authored by Jeffrey I. Schiller's avatar Jeffrey I. Schiller

Release notes for v131 Release.

Change-Id: I154498f51b496eb6d2922a8e492dc78e11bc25c5
parent 8762cfa9
......@@ -37,6 +37,39 @@
<div class="content-body">
<h2>Release Notes</h2>
<h3>Version 131, December 10, 2012</h3>
Image Picker is updated to permit selecting images
both from the camera and from other Photo Albums
accessible from the device. It also copies the
selected image to a file on the SD card and
returns the path to that file as is “image”
argument to AfterPicking.
Camcorder component: Minor modification to where
recorded videos are stored. Now stored in the
Camcorder default location.
Bugfixes and Cleanup work on the Texting Component.
Fix to buildserver that on occasion resulted in
packages that required external libraries (such as
Texting and Fusion Tables) to not have the correct
libraries included. Note: This was fixed in v130c
patch release as well.
Notifier component fixed to display reasonable
sized fonts on both older and newer versions of
<h3>Version 130, November 9, 2012</h3>
......@@ -64,29 +97,29 @@
Modified Texting component.<p>
The main changes are:
<li>Now works with Wifi. This solution using Google Voice. It requires
users to sign up online for Google Voice and to download and install
the Google Voice mobile application. The mobile application is used
for incoming messages. For outgoing messages the application uses
Google AccountManager to authenticate the user and then uses their
<li>Now works with Wifi. This solution using Google Voice. It requires
users to sign up online for Google Voice and to download and install
the Google Voice mobile application. The mobile application is used
for incoming messages. For outgoing messages the application uses
Google AccountManager to authenticate the user and then uses their
Google Voice account to send messages.</li>
<li>Applications that include the revised component can receive text messages
even when they are not running, with the user being notified on the status
<li>Applications that include the revised component can receive text messages
even when they are not running, with the user being notified on the status
bar of incoming messages.</li>
<li>Component now uses OAuth2Helper, same as used in FusiontablesControl.</li>
<li>Updated Twitter component with latest version of
twitter4j. Fixing bug that makes some numerical replies
<li>Updated Twitter component with latest version of
twitter4j. Fixing bug that makes some numerical replies
from Twitter fail.
Added zipalign tool to the packaging process allowing
Added zipalign tool to the packaging process allowing
applications to be placed in the play store.
Added Progress bar, allowing for the monitoring of the
Added Progress bar, allowing for the monitoring of the
application build process.
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