* **Note:** See the <a href="http://iotdk.intel.com/docs/master/mraa/index.html">MRAA </a> documentation for more info on installing MRAA
* @code sudo make install OR sudo make install RF24_MRAA=1 @endcode
* 5. Configure build environment using @code ./configure @endcode script. It auto detectes device and build environment. For overriding autodetections, use command-line switches, see @code ./configure --help @endcode for description.
* 6. Build the library, and run an example file
* @code sudo make install @endcode
* @code
* cd examples_linux
* @endcode
@@ -1620,33 +1611,11 @@ private:
* RF24 supports all MRAA supported platforms, but might not be tested on each individual platform due to the wide range of hardware support:<br>
* <a href="https://github.com/TMRh20/RF24/issues">Report an RF24 bug or issue </a>
* @section Setup Setup
* @section Setup Setup and installation
* 1. Install the MRAA lib
* 2. As per your device, SPI may need to be enabled
* See the gettingstarted example for an example of pin configuration
* Build using **spidev**:
* Build using **SPIDEV**
* 1. Edit the RF24/utility/BBB/spi.cpp file
* 2. Change the default device definition to @code this->device = "/dev/spidev0.0";; @endcode
* 3. Run @code sudo make install -B RF24_SPIDEV=1 @endcode
* 4. See the gettingstarted example for an example of pin configuration
* 1. Make sure that spi device support is enabled and /dev/spidev\<a\>.\<b\> is present
* 2. Install RF24, using SPIDEV
* @code
* ./configure --driver=SPIDEV
* sudo make install -B
* @endcode
* 3. See the gettingstarted example for an example of pin configuration
* <br>
* @section Pins Connections and Pin Configuration
@@ -1774,6 +1717,7 @@ private:
* **SPI_DEV Constructor**
* @code RF24 radio(22,0); @endcode
* In general, use @code RF24 radio(<ce_pin>, <a>*10+<b>); @endcode for proper SPIDEV constructor to address correct spi device at /dev/spidev\<a\>.\<b\>
* 1. Assure having libboost-python-dev library in your cross-compilation environment. Alternatively, you can install it into your target machine and copy /usr and /lib directories to the cross-compilation machine.
* For example
* @code
* mkdir -p rpi_root && rsync -a pi@target_linux_host:/usr :/lib rpi_root
* The RF24 driver can be build as a static library with Atmel Studio 7 in order to be included as any other library in another program for the XMEGA family.
* Currently only the </b>ATXMEGA D3</b> family is implemented.
* Currently only the <b>ATXMEGA D3</b> family is implemented.
* @section Preparation
@@ -1876,7 +1890,7 @@ private:
* @section Usage
* Add the library to your project!</br>
* Add the library to your project!<br>
* In the file where the **main()** is put the following in order to update the millisecond functionality:
* @code
@@ -1929,7 +1943,7 @@ private:
* @section Device_Detection Device Detection
* 1. The main detection for Linux devices is done in the Makefile, with the includes.h from the proper hardware directory copied to RF24/utility/includes.h <br>
* 1. The main detection for Linux devices is done in the configure script, with the includes.h from the proper hardware directory copied to RF24/utility/includes.h <br>
* 2. Secondary detection is completed in RF24_config.h, causing the include.h file to be included for all supported Linux devices <br>
* 3. RF24.h contains the declaration for SPI and GPIO objects 'spi' and 'gpio' to be used for porting-in related functions.