Unverified Commit cf8dea21 authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

Add files via upload

parent 98defaa6
......@@ -3,22 +3,25 @@
* based on Xiph.Org Foundation celt decoder
* Created on: 26.01.2023
* Updated on:
* Updated on: 27.01.2023
#include "opus_decoder.h"
// global vars
bool f_m_magicWordFound = false;
bool f_m_firstPage = false;
bool f_m_commentHeader = false;
bool f_m_opusHeadWasRead = false;
bool f_m_nextPage = false;
bool f_m_parseOgg = false;
bool f_m_subsequentPage = false;
// bool f_m_commentHeader = false;
// bool f_m_opusHeadWasRead = false;
// bool f_m_nextPage = false;
bool f_m_newSt = false; // streamTitle
bool f_m_opusFramePacket = false;
uint8_t m_channels = 0;
uint16_t m_samplerate = 0;
char* m_chbuf = NULL;
std::vector<uint16_t> m_segmentTable; // contains segment frame lengths
bool OPUSDecoder_AllocateBuffers(){
m_chbuf = (char*)malloc(512);
......@@ -32,18 +35,14 @@ void OPUSDecoder_FreeBuffers(){
int OPUSDecode(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf){
if(f_m_magicWordFound || f_m_nextPage || f_m_opusHeadWasRead){
log_w("f_m_parseOgg %i", f_m_parseOgg);
if(f_m_parseOgg == true){
int ret = OPUSparseOGG(inbuf, bytesLeft);
f_m_parseOgg = false;
return ret;
int ret = parseOpusHead(inbuf, bytesLeft);
return ret;
int ret = parseOpusComment(inbuf, bytesLeft);
return ret;
int ret = parseOpusFramePacket(inbuf, bytesLeft);
......@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ uint8_t OPUSGetChannels(){
return m_channels;
uint32_t OPUSGetSampRate(){
return 48000;
return m_samplerate;
uint8_t OPUSGetBitsPerSample(){
return 16;
......@@ -116,34 +115,30 @@ int parseOpusFramePacket(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // https://www.rfc-ed
return 0;
int parseOpusComment(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // reference https://exiftool.org/TagNames/Vorbis.html#Comments
int parseOpusComment(uint8_t *inbuf, int nBytes){ // reference https://exiftool.org/TagNames/Vorbis.html#Comments
// reference https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7845#section-5
int idx = OPUS_specialIndexOf(inbuf, "OpusTags", 10);
if(idx != 0) return 0; //ERR_OPUS_DECODER_ASYNC;
if(idx != 0) return 0; // is not OpusTags
char* artist = NULL;
char* title = NULL;
uint16_t pos = 8;
*bytesLeft -= 8;
uint32_t vendorLength = *(inbuf + 11) << 24; // lengt of vendor string, e.g. Lavf58.65.101
vendorLength += *(inbuf + 10) << 16;
vendorLength += *(inbuf + 9) << 8;
vendorLength += *(inbuf + 8);
pos += vendorLength + 4;
*bytesLeft -= (vendorLength + 4);
uint32_t commentListLength = *(inbuf + 3 + pos) << 24; // nr. of comment entries
commentListLength += *(inbuf + 2 + pos) << 16;
commentListLength += *(inbuf + 1 + pos) << 8;
commentListLength += *(inbuf + 0 + pos);
pos += 4;
*bytesLeft -= 4;
for(int i = 0; i < commentListLength; i++){
uint32_t commentStringLen = *(inbuf + 3 + pos) << 24;
commentStringLen += *(inbuf + 2 + pos) << 16;
commentStringLen += *(inbuf + 1 + pos) << 8;
commentStringLen += *(inbuf + 0 + pos);
pos += 4;
*bytesLeft -= 4;
idx = OPUS_specialIndexOf(inbuf + pos, "artist=", 10);
if(idx == 0){ artist = strndup((const char*)(inbuf + pos + 7), commentStringLen - 7);
......@@ -151,7 +146,6 @@ int parseOpusComment(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // reference https://exif
if(idx == 0){ title = strndup((const char*)(inbuf + pos + 6), commentStringLen - 6);
pos += commentStringLen;
*bytesLeft -= commentStringLen;
if(artist && title){
strcpy(m_chbuf, artist);
......@@ -170,17 +164,13 @@ int parseOpusComment(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // reference https://exif
if(artist){free(artist); artist = NULL;}
if(title) {free(title); title = NULL;}
f_m_commentHeader = false;
f_m_nextPage = true;
return 0;
return 1;
int parseOpusHead(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // reference https://wiki.xiph.org/OggOpus
int parseOpusHead(uint8_t *inbuf, int nBytes){ // reference https://wiki.xiph.org/OggOpus
int idx = OPUS_specialIndexOf(inbuf, "OpusHead", 10);
if(idx != 0) return 0; //ERR_OPUS_DECODER_ASYNC;
if(idx != 0) return 0; //is not OpusHead
uint8_t version = *(inbuf + 8); (void) version;
uint8_t channelCount = *(inbuf + 9); // nr of channels
uint16_t preSkip = *(inbuf + 11) << 8;
......@@ -199,18 +189,14 @@ int parseOpusHead(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // reference https://wiki.xi
f_m_opusHeadWasRead = true; // The next Opus packet MUST contain the comment header.
f_m_firstPage = false;
f_m_nextPage = true;
*bytesLeft -= 19;
return 0;
return 1;
int OPUSparseOGG(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // reference https://www.xiph.org/ogg/doc/rfc3533.txt
int ret = 0;
int idx = OPUS_specialIndexOf(inbuf, "OggS", 6);
log_i("idx %i", idx);
if(idx != 0) return 0; //ERR_OPUS_DECODER_ASYNC;
......@@ -238,14 +224,37 @@ int OPUSparseOGG(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // reference https://www.xiph
CRCchecksum += *(inbuf + 23) << 8;
CRCchecksum += *(inbuf + 22); (void) CRCchecksum;
uint8_t pageSegments = *(inbuf + 26); // giving the number of segment entries
uint8_t segmentTable = *(inbuf + 27); // number_page_segments
// read the segment table (contains pageSegments bytes), 1...251: Length of the frame in bytes,
// 255: A second byte is needed. The total length is first_byte + second byte
for(int i = 0; i < pageSegments; i++){
if(*(inbuf + 27 + i) < 255) m_segmentTable.push_back(*(inbuf + 27 + i));
m_segmentTable.push_back(*(inbuf + 27 + i) + (*(inbuf + 27 + i + 1)));
bool continuedPage = headerType & 0x01; // set: page contains data of a packet continued from the previous page
bool firstPage = headerType & 0x02; // set: this is the first page of a logical bitstream (bos)
bool lastPage = headerType & 0x04; // set: this is the last page of a logical bitstream (eos)
uint16_t headerSize = pageSegments + 27;
(void)continuedPage; (void)lastPage;
*bytesLeft -= headerSize;
(void)segmentTable; (void)continuedPage; (void)lastPage;
if(firstPage || f_m_subsequentPage){ // OpusHead or OggComment may follows
ret = parseOpusHead(inbuf + headerSize, m_segmentTable[0]);
if(ret == 1) *bytesLeft -= m_segmentTable[0];
if(ret < 0){ *bytesLeft -= m_segmentTable[0]; return ret;}
ret = parseOpusComment(inbuf + headerSize, m_segmentTable[0]);
if(ret == 1) *bytesLeft -= m_segmentTable[0];
if(ret < 0){ *bytesLeft -= m_segmentTable[0]; return ret;}
f_m_parseOgg = true; // goto next page
if(firstPage) f_m_subsequentPage = true; else f_m_subsequentPage = false;
log_i("headerType %i", headerType);
log_i("firstPage %i", firstPage);
......@@ -253,16 +262,18 @@ int OPUSparseOGG(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft){ // reference https://www.xiph
log_i("lastPage %i", lastPage);
log_i("headerSize %i", headerSize);
log_i("granulePosition %u", granulePosition);
if(firstPage) f_m_firstPage = true; // OpusHead follows
if(f_m_opusHeadWasRead) f_m_commentHeader = true; // OpusComment follows
log_i("bitstreamSerialNr %u", bitstreamSerialNr);
log_i("pageSequenceNr %u", pageSequenceNr);
log_i("pageSegments %i", pageSegments);
if(!f_m_firstPage && !f_m_commentHeader) f_m_opusFramePacket = true; // await opus frame packet
f_m_magicWordFound = false;
f_m_nextPage = false;
f_m_opusHeadWasRead = false;
*bytesLeft -= headerSize;
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < m_segmentTable.size(); i++){
log_w("segTable %i, sum %i", m_segmentTable[i], sum);
sum += m_segmentTable[i];
log_w("sum = %i", sum);
log_w("f_m_parseOgg %i", f_m_parseOgg);
return 0; // no error
......@@ -272,10 +283,10 @@ int OPUSFindSyncWord(unsigned char *buf, int nBytes){
int idx = OPUS_specialIndexOf(buf, "OggS", nBytes);
if(idx >= 0){ // Magic Word found
log_i("OggS found at %i", idx);
f_m_magicWordFound = true;
f_m_parseOgg = true;
return idx;
f_m_magicWordFound = false;
f_m_parseOgg = false;
return -1;
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
//#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnarrowing"
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <vector>
enum : int8_t {ERR_OPUS_NONE = 0,
......@@ -26,8 +29,8 @@ uint16_t OPUSGetOutputSamps();
char *OPUSgetStreamTitle();
int OPUSFindSyncWord(unsigned char *buf, int nBytes);
int OPUSparseOGG(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft);
int parseOpusHead(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft);
int parseOpusComment(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft);
int parseOpusHead(uint8_t *inbuf, int nBytes);
int parseOpusComment(uint8_t *inbuf, int nBytes);
int parseOpusFramePacket(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft);
// some helper functions
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