Unverified Commit 9ed92d01 authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

fix broken playlists #193

parent 50b82ba6
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
* Created on: Oct 26.2018
* Version 2.0.5e
* Updated on: Aug 02.2022
* Version 2.0.5f
* Updated on: Aug 08.2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ Audio::Audio(bool internalDAC /* = false */, uint8_t channelEnabled /* = I2S_DAC
m_i2s_config.sample_rate = 16000;
m_i2s_config.bits_per_sample = I2S_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16BIT;
m_i2s_config.channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_RIGHT_LEFT;
m_i2s_config.intr_alloc_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL3; // interrupt priority
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_count = 8;
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_len = 1024;
m_i2s_config.intr_alloc_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1; // interrupt priority
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_count = 16;
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_len = 512;
m_i2s_config.use_apll = APLL_DISABLE; // must be disabled in V2.0.1-RC1
m_i2s_config.tx_desc_auto_clear = true; // new in V1.0.1
m_i2s_config.fixed_mclk = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE;
......@@ -2144,6 +2144,79 @@ int Audio::read_OGG_Header(uint8_t *data, size_t len){
return 0;
size_t Audio::process_m3u8_ID3_Header(uint8_t* packet){
uint8_t ID3version;
size_t id3Size;
bool m_f_unsync = false, m_f_exthdr = false;
static uint64_t last_timestamp; // remember the last timestamp
static uint32_t lastSampleRate;
uint64_t current_timestamp = 0;
uint32_t newSampleRate = 0;
if(specialIndexOf(packet, "ID3", 4) != 0) { // ID3 not found
if(m_f_Log) log_i("m3u8 file has no mp3 tag");
return 0; // error, no ID3 signature found
ID3version = *(packet + 3);
case 2:
m_f_unsync = (*(packet + 5) & 0x80);
m_f_exthdr = false;
case 3:
case 4:
m_f_unsync = (*(packet + 5) & 0x80); // bit7
m_f_exthdr = (*(packet + 5) & 0x40); // bit6 extended header
id3Size = bigEndian(&packet[6], 4, 7); // ID3v2 size 4 * %0xxxxxxx (shift left seven times!!)
id3Size += 10;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("ID3 framesSize: %i", id3Size);
if(m_f_Log) log_i("ID3 version: 2.%i", ID3version);
if(m_f_exthdr) {
log_e("ID3 extended header in m3u8 files not supported");
return 0;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("ID3 normal frames");
if(specialIndexOf(&packet[10], "PRIV", 5) != 0) { // tag PRIV not found
log_e("tag PRIV in m3u8 Id3 Header not found");
return 0;
// if tag PRIV exists assume content is "com.apple.streaming.transportStreamTimestamp"
// so, the m3u8 sequence contains an ID3 header. A time stamp is expected in the header. After we got two
// m3u8 sequences we can estimate the time difference. Usually the runtime (that's the time difference) is slightly
// less than the targetDuration. Without correction, the audio memory quickly runs out
// (measured about 14KBytes per minute).For example, for the targetDuration 10s the time difference is 9.75s and
// thus 0.25s are missing.
current_timestamp = bigEndian(&packet[69], 4);
double diff;
diff = current_timestamp - last_timestamp; // time difference in apple clock
diff /= 90000; // time difference in seconds (whole audiofile)
// log_i("diff %f,current_timestamp %lu last_timestamp %lu", diff, current_timestamp, last_timestamp);
diff = ((double)m_m3u8_targetDuration - diff) / m_m3u8_targetDuration; // time difference (per second)
diff = diff * (double)AACGetSampRate(); // abbreviation in samples/second
diff += 250; // it doesn't work without it, no idea why this is necessary
newSampleRate = AACGetSampRate() - diff;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("newSampleRate %d", newSampleRate);
last_timestamp = current_timestamp;
uint32_t delta = abs((int32_t)(lastSampleRate - newSampleRate));
if(delta > 1) {
if(newSampleRate && newSampleRate < 96001){
log_i("change lastSampleRate %d, newSampleRate %d", lastSampleRate, newSampleRate);
if(m_f_Log) log_i("change lastSampleRate %d, newSampleRate %d", lastSampleRate, newSampleRate);
lastSampleRate = newSampleRate;
return id3Size;
uint32_t Audio::stopSong() {
uint32_t pos = 0;
if(m_f_running) {
......@@ -2252,6 +2325,7 @@ bool Audio::playChunk() {
if(getChannels() == 2) {
m_curSample = 0;
while(m_validSamples) {
if(!m_f_forceMono) { // stereo mode
sample[LEFTCHANNEL] = m_outBuff[m_curSample * 2];
......@@ -2262,10 +2336,7 @@ bool Audio::playChunk() {
sample[LEFTCHANNEL] = xy;
sample[RIGHTCHANNEL] = xy;
if(!playSample(sample)) {
log_e("can't send");
return false;
} // Can't send
......@@ -2337,12 +2408,13 @@ void Audio::loop() {
m_f_continue = false;
if(timestamp2 < millis()) {
remaintime = 1000;
if(m_f_continue){ // processWebStream() needs more data
remaintime = (int32_t)(m_m3u8_targetDuration * 1000) - (millis() - timestamp1);
if(m_m3u8_targetDuration < 10) remaintime += 1000;
// if(m_m3u8_targetDuration < 10) remaintime += 1000;
m_f_continue = false;
......@@ -2371,7 +2443,7 @@ bool Audio::readPlayListData() {
if(b > 9) b = b - 7; // Translate A..F to 10..15
chunksize = (chunksize << 4) + b;
if(m_f_Log) log_i("chunksize %d", chunksize);
if(m_f_Log) log_i("chunksize %d, contentLength %d", chunksize, m_contentlength);
// reads the content of the playlist and stores it in the vector m_contentlength
......@@ -2391,39 +2463,42 @@ bool Audio::readPlayListData() {
uint16_t pos = 0;
while(_client->available()){ // super inner while :-))
pl[pos] = _client->read();
if(pl[pos] == '\n') {pl[pos] = '\0'; pos++; break;}
// if(pl[pos] == '&' ) {pl[pos] = '\0'; pos++; break;}
if(pl[pos] == '\r') {pl[pos] = '\0'; pos++; continue;;}
if(pos == 511){ pos--; ctl++; continue;}
if(pos == 511){ pos--; continue;}
if(pos == 510) {pl[pos] = '\0';}
if(ctl == chunksize) {pl[pos] = '\0'; break;}
if(ctl == m_contentlength) {pl[pos] = '\0'; break;}
ctl += pos;
if(ctl == chunksize) break;
if(ctl == m_contentlength) break;
if(pos) {pl[pos] = '\0'; break;}
if(ctime + timeout < millis()) {log_e("timeout"); goto exit;}
} // inner while
// if(m_contentlength > 0){
// // we have one line only, terminate all crap
// if(m_contentlength < strlen(pl)) {log_e("%i", m_contentlength); pl[m_contentlength] = '\0';}
// // we have more line but no '\n' at the and -> terminate all crap
// else if(m_contentlength < ctl){
// int diff = ctl - m_contentlength;
// int lastpos = strlen(pl) - diff;
// pl[lastpos] = '\0';
// }
// }
if(ctime + timeout < millis()) {
for(int i = 0; i<m_playlistContent.size(); i++) log_e("pl%i = %s", i, m_playlistContent[i]);
goto exit;}
} // inner while
if(startsWith(pl, "<!DOCTYPE")) {AUDIO_INFO("url is a webpage!"); goto exit;}
if(startsWith(pl, "<html")) {AUDIO_INFO("url is a webpage!"); goto exit;}
if(strlen(pl) > 0) m_playlistContent.push_back(strdup((const char*)pl));
if(m_playlistContent.size() == 100){
if(m_f_Log) log_i("the maximum number of lines in the playlist has been reached");
// termination conditions
// 1. The http response header returns a value for contentLength -> read chars until contentLength is reached
// 2. no contentLength, but Transfer-Encoding:chunked -> compute chunksize and read until chunksize is reached
// 3. no chunksize and no contentlengt, but Connection: close -> read all available chars
if(ctl == m_contentlength){while(_client->available()) _client->read(); break;} // read '\n\n' if exists
if(ctl == chunksize) {while(_client->available()) _client->read(); break;}
if(!_client->connected() && _client->available() == 0) break;
} // outer while6nUfOrsqhhT-331
} // outer while
lines = m_playlistContent.size();
for (int i = 0; i < lines ; i++) { // print all string in first vector of 'arr'
if(m_f_Log) log_i("pl=%i \"%s\"", i, m_playlistContent[i]);
......@@ -3184,6 +3259,7 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
uint32_t availableBytes; // available bytes in stream
static bool f_tmr_1s;
static bool f_stream; // first audio data received
static bool f_firstPacket;
static int bytesDecoded;
static uint32_t byteCounter; // count received data
static uint32_t tmr_1s; // timer 1 sec
......@@ -3197,6 +3273,7 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
// first call, set some values to default - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(m_f_firstCall) { // runs only ont time per connection, prepare for start
f_stream = false;
f_firstPacket = true;
byteCounter = 0;
bytesDecoded = 0;
loopCnt = 0;
......@@ -3204,38 +3281,36 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
m_t0 = millis();
ts_packetPtr = 0;
ts_parsePacket(0, 0, 0); // reset ts routine
if(m_contentlength % 188 != 0){
// For files without an ID3 header, the content length is always divided by 188 without a remainder
static size_t ID3frameSize = 0;
uint8_t ID3headerLength = 10;
uint8_t ID3headerLength = 10;
if(_client->available() < ID3headerLength) return;
_client->read(ts_packet, ID3headerLength);
read_ID3_Header(ts_packet, ID3headerLength);
ID3frameSize = m_ID3Size;
if(ID3frameSize > 188) {log_e("ID3 Header too long"); stopSong(); return;}
if(_client->available() < ID3frameSize - ID3headerLength) return;
_client->read(ts_packet, ID3frameSize - ID3headerLength);
read_ID3_Header(ts_packet, ID3frameSize - ID3headerLength);
byteCounter += ID3frameSize;
ID3frameSize = 0;
m_controlCounter = 0;
m_f_firstCall = false;
if(m_datamode != AUDIO_DATA) return; // guard
int framesize = 0;
availableBytes = _client->available();
if(InBuff.freeSpace() < ts_packetsize && f_stream){playAudioData(); return;}
while(InBuff.freeSpace() >= ts_packetsize && availableBytes){
int res = _client->read(ts_packet + ts_packetPtr, 188 - ts_packetPtr);
availableBytes = _client->available();
int res = _client->read(ts_packet + ts_packetPtr, ts_packetsize - ts_packetPtr);
if(res > 0){
ts_packetPtr += res;
byteCounter += res;
if(ts_packetPtr < ts_packetsize) return;
ts_packetPtr = 0;
if(f_firstPacket){ // search for ID3 Header in the first packet
f_firstPacket = false;
uint8_t ID3_HeaderSize = process_m3u8_ID3_Header(ts_packet);
if(ID3_HeaderSize > ts_packetsize){
log_e("ID3 Header is too big");
memcpy(ts_packet, &ts_packet[ID3_HeaderSize], ts_packetsize - ID3_HeaderSize);
ts_packetPtr = ts_packetsize - ID3_HeaderSize;
ts_parsePacket(&ts_packet[0], &ts_packetStart, &ts_packetLength);
if(ts_packetLength) {
......@@ -3250,20 +3325,17 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
memcpy(InBuff.getWritePtr(), &ts_packet[ws + ts_packetStart], ts_packetLength -ws);
InBuff.bytesWritten(ts_packetLength -ws);
framesize += ts_packetLength;
byteCounter += ts_packetsize;
if(byteCounter == m_contentlength){
byteCounter = 0;
m_f_continue = true;
if(byteCounter > m_contentlength) log_e("byteCounter overflow");
availableBytes = _client->available();
if(framesize >= 512) break;
else {availableBytes = 0; break;}
// timer, triggers every second - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if((tmr_1s + 1000) < millis()) {
f_tmr_1s = true; // flag will be set every second for one loop only
......@@ -3275,7 +3347,7 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
static uint8_t cnt_slow = 0;
cnt_slow ++;
if(f_tmr_1s) {
if(cnt_slow > 25 && audio_info) audio_info("slow stream, dropouts are possible");
if(cnt_slow > 50 && audio_info) audio_info("slow stream, dropouts are possible");
f_tmr_1s = false;
cnt_slow = 0;
......@@ -3305,22 +3377,10 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
// play audio data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(!f_stream) return; // 1. guard
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < 1024) return; // 2. guard
size_t data2decode = InBuff.bufferFilled();
bytesDecoded = sendBytes(InBuff.getReadPtr(), data2decode);
if(bytesDecoded < 0) { // no syncword found or decode error, try next chunk
uint8_t next = 200;
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < next) next = InBuff.bufferFilled();
InBuff.bytesWasRead(next); // try next chunk
m_bytesNotDecoded += next;
else {
if(bytesDecoded > 0) {InBuff.bytesWasRead(bytesDecoded); return;}
if(bytesDecoded == 0) return; // syncword at pos0 found
if(!availableBytes) {playAudioData(); return;}
if(InBuff.freeSpace() < m_maxBlockSize) playAudioData();
......@@ -3430,8 +3490,9 @@ void Audio::playAudioData(){
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < InBuff.getMaxBlockSize()) return; // guard
int bytesDecoded = sendBytes(InBuff.getReadPtr(), InBuff.getMaxBlockSize());
// log_i("bytesDecoded %i", bytesDecoded);
if(bytesDecoded < 0) { // no syncword found or decode error, try next chunk
log_i("err bytesDecoded %i", bytesDecoded);
uint8_t next = 200;
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < next) next = InBuff.bufferFilled();
InBuff.bytesWasRead(next); // try next chunk
......@@ -3519,7 +3580,7 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
if(strcmp(c_host, m_lastHost) != 0) { // prevent a loop
int pos_slash = indexOf(c_host, "/", 9);
if(pos_slash > 9){
if(!strncmp(c_host, m_lastHost, posColon)){
if(!strncmp(c_host, m_lastHost, pos_slash)){
AUDIO_INFO("redirect to new extension at existing host \"%s\"", c_host);
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_M3U8) {
strcpy(m_lastHost, c_host);
......@@ -3660,6 +3721,7 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
if(m_f_Log) {log_i("now parse playlist");}
AUDIO_INFO("unknown content found at: %s", m_lastHost);
goto exit;
return true;
......@@ -3797,6 +3859,7 @@ bool Audio::parseContentType(char* ct) {
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/scpls")) ct_val = CT_PLS;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-scpls")) ct_val = CT_PLS;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "application/pls+xml")) ct_val = CT_PLS;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mpegurl")) ct_val = CT_M3U;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-mpegurl")) ct_val = CT_M3U;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/ms-asf")) ct_val = CT_ASX;
......@@ -4447,8 +4510,8 @@ bool Audio::playSample(int16_t sample[2]) {
if(m_f_internalDAC) {
s32 += 0x80008000;
esp_err_t err = i2s_write((i2s_port_t) m_i2s_num, (const char*) &s32, sizeof(uint32_t), &m_i2s_bytesWritten, 50);
m_i2s_bytesWritten = 0;
esp_err_t err = i2s_write((i2s_port_t) m_i2s_num, (const char*) &s32, sizeof(uint32_t), &m_i2s_bytesWritten, 100);
if(err != ESP_OK) {
log_e("ESP32 Errorcode %i", err);
return false;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Audio.h
* Created on: Oct 28,2018
* Updated on: Aug 02,2022
* Updated on: Aug 08,2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ private:
int read_ID3_Header(uint8_t* data, size_t len);
int read_M4A_Header(uint8_t* data, size_t len);
int read_OGG_Header(uint8_t *data, size_t len);
size_t process_m3u8_ID3_Header(uint8_t* packet);
bool setSampleRate(uint32_t hz);
bool setBitsPerSample(int bits);
bool setChannels(int channels);
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