Commit 985fa6e9 authored by schreibfaul1's avatar schreibfaul1

better computeAudioTime() for WAV and FLAC

parent 2b54e39a
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
* Created on: Oct 26.2018
* Version 3.0.9a
* Updated on: Apr 04.2024
* Version 3.0.9b
* Updated on: Apr 07.2024
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ void Audio::setDefaults() {
m_f_metadata = false;
m_f_tts = false;
m_f_firstCall = true; // InitSequence for processWebstream and processLocalFile
m_f_firstCurTimeCall = true; // InitSequence for compute_audioCurrentTime
m_f_firstCurTimeCall = true; // InitSequence for computeAudioTime
m_f_firstM3U8call = true; // InitSequence for parsePlaylist_M3U8
m_f_running = false;
m_f_loop = false; // Set if audio file should loop
......@@ -364,6 +364,7 @@ void Audio::setDefaults() {
m_streamTitleHash = 0;
m_file_size = 0;
m_ID3Size = 0;
m_haveNewFilePos = 0;
......@@ -808,7 +809,7 @@ void Audio::UTF8toASCII(char* str) {
// clang-format on
bool Audio::connecttoFS(fs::FS& fs, const char* path, int32_t resumeFilePos) {
bool Audio::connecttoFS(fs::FS& fs, const char* path, int32_t fileStartPos) {
if(!path) { // guard
......@@ -817,7 +818,7 @@ bool Audio::connecttoFS(fs::FS& fs, const char* path, int32_t resumeFilePos) {
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex_audio, portMAX_DELAY); // #3
m_resumeFilePos = resumeFilePos;
m_fileStartPos = fileStartPos;
setDefaults(); // free buffers an set defaults
char *audioPath = (char *) __malloc_heap_psram(strlen(path) + 2);
......@@ -3061,6 +3062,12 @@ void Audio::processLocalFile() {
if(m_f_Log) log_i("m_audioDataStart %d", m_audioDataStart);
if(m_fileStartPos > 0){
m_fileStartPos = -1;
if(m_resumeFilePos >= 0) {
if(m_resumeFilePos < m_audioDataStart) m_resumeFilePos = m_audioDataStart;
if(m_resumeFilePos > m_file_size) m_resumeFilePos = m_file_size;
......@@ -3073,11 +3080,11 @@ void Audio::processLocalFile() {
if(m_codec == CODEC_MP3) { m_resumeFilePos = mp3_correctResumeFilePos(m_resumeFilePos); }
if(m_avr_bitrate) m_audioCurrentTime = ((double)(m_resumeFilePos - m_audioDataStart) / m_avr_bitrate) * 8;;
byteCounter = m_resumeFilePos;
f_fileDataComplete = false; // #570
m_haveNewFilePos = m_resumeFilePos;
if(m_f_Log) {
log_i("m_resumeFilePos %i", m_resumeFilePos);
......@@ -4491,7 +4498,7 @@ int Audio::sendBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
uint16_t bytesDecoderOut = m_validSamples;
if(m_channels == 2) bytesDecoderOut /= 2;
if(m_bitsPerSample == 16) bytesDecoderOut *= 2;
compute_audioCurrentTime(bytesDecoded, bytesDecoderOut);
computeAudioTime(bytesDecoded, bytesDecoderOut);
if(audio_process_extern) {
bool continueI2S = false;
......@@ -4503,18 +4510,20 @@ int Audio::sendBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
return bytesDecoded;
void Audio::compute_audioCurrentTime(uint16_t bytesDecoderIn, uint16_t bytesDecoderOut) {
void Audio::computeAudioTime(uint16_t bytesDecoderIn, uint16_t bytesDecoderOut) {
if(getDatamode() != AUDIO_LOCALFILE && m_streamType != ST_WEBFILE) return; //guard
static uint64_t sumBytesIn = 0;
static uint64_t sumBytesOut = 0;
static uint32_t sumBitRate = 0;
static uint32_t counter = 0;
static uint32_t timeStamp = 0;
static uint32_t deltaBytesIn = 0;
static float audioCurrentTime = 0;
float compressionRatio = 0;
static uint64_t sumBytesIn = 0;
static uint64_t sumBytesOut = 0;
static uint32_t sumBitRate = 0;
static uint32_t counter = 0;
static uint32_t timeStamp = 0;
static uint32_t deltaBytesIn = 0;
static uint32_t constBitRate = 0;
static uint32_t playTime = 0;
static uint32_t totalPlayTime = 0;
float compressionRatio = 0;
if(m_f_firstCurTimeCall) { // first call
m_f_firstCurTimeCall = false;
......@@ -4524,7 +4533,20 @@ void Audio::compute_audioCurrentTime(uint16_t bytesDecoderIn, uint16_t bytesDeco
counter = 0;
timeStamp = millis();
deltaBytesIn = 0;
audioCurrentTime = 0;
constBitRate = 0;
playTime = 0;
totalPlayTime = 0;
if(m_codec == CODEC_FLAC && FLACGetAudioFileDuration()){
m_audioFileDuration = FLACGetAudioFileDuration();
constBitRate = (m_audioDataSize / FLACGetAudioFileDuration()) * 8;
m_avr_bitrate = constBitRate;
if(m_codec == CODEC_WAV){
constBitRate = getBitRate();
m_avr_bitrate = constBitRate;
m_audioFileDuration = m_audioDataSize / (getSampleRate() * getChannels());
if(getBitsPerSample() == 16) m_audioFileDuration /= 2;
sumBytesIn += bytesDecoderIn;
......@@ -4532,24 +4554,37 @@ void Audio::compute_audioCurrentTime(uint16_t bytesDecoderIn, uint16_t bytesDeco
sumBytesOut += bytesDecoderOut;
if(timeStamp + 950 < millis()){
uint32_t t = millis(); // time tracking
uint32_t delta_t = t - timeStamp; // ---"---
playTime += delta_t; // ---"---
totalPlayTime += timeStamp; // ---"--- unused yet
timeStamp = t; // ---"---
// compressionRatio = (float)sumBytesIn / sumBytesOut;
(void) compressionRatio; // unused yet
(void) compressionRatio; // unused yet
uint32_t t = millis();
uint32_t delta_t = t - timeStamp;
timeStamp = t;
// we know the time and bytesIn to compute the bitrate
uint32_t bitRate = ((deltaBytesIn * 8000) / delta_t);
uint32_t bitRate = ((deltaBytesIn * 8000) / delta_t); // we know the time and bytesIn to compute the bitrate
sumBitRate += bitRate;
counter ++;
m_avr_bitrate = sumBitRate / counter;
audioCurrentTime += ((float)(deltaBytesIn * 8) / m_avr_bitrate);
m_audioCurrentTime = audioCurrentTime;
m_audioCurrentTime = (float(playTime) / 1000);
m_avr_bitrate = sumBitRate / counter;
m_audioCurrentTime += ((float)(deltaBytesIn * 8) / m_avr_bitrate);
m_audioFileDuration = 8 * ((float)m_audioDataSize / m_avr_bitrate);
deltaBytesIn = 0;
if(m_haveNewFilePos && m_avr_bitrate){
uint32_t posWhithinAudioBlock = m_haveNewFilePos - m_audioDataStart;
uint32_t newTime = posWhithinAudioBlock / (m_avr_bitrate / 8); // (m_avr_bitrate / 8) equals one second
m_audioCurrentTime = newTime;
playTime = newTime * 1000; // playTime[ms]
m_haveNewFilePos = 0;
void Audio::printProcessLog(int r, const char* s){
......@@ -4743,11 +4778,11 @@ uint32_t Audio::getAudioFileDuration() {
if(!m_avr_bitrate) return 0;
return m_audioFileDuration = 8 * ((float)m_audioDataSize / m_avr_bitrate);
return m_audioFileDuration;
uint32_t Audio::getAudioCurrentTime() { // return current time in seconds
return (uint32_t)m_audioCurrentTime;
return round(m_audioCurrentTime);
bool Audio::setAudioPlayPosition(uint16_t sec) {
......@@ -4773,39 +4808,37 @@ uint32_t Audio::getTotalPlayingTime() {
return millis() - m_PlayingStartTime;
bool Audio::setTimeOffset(int sec) {
if(m_codec == CODEC_OPUS) return false; // not impl. yet
if(m_codec == CODEC_VORBIS) return false; // not impl. yet
// fast forward or rewind the current position in seconds
// audiosource must be a mp3, aac or wav file
bool Audio::setTimeOffset(int sec) { // fast forward or rewind the current position in seconds
if(!audiofile || !m_avr_bitrate) return false;
if(m_codec == CODEC_OPUS) return false; // not impl. yet
if(m_codec == CODEC_VORBIS) return false; // not impl. yet
uint32_t oneSec = m_avr_bitrate / 8; // bytes decoded in one sec
int32_t offset = oneSec * sec; // bytes to be wind/rewind
uint32_t startAB = m_audioDataStart; // audioblock begin
uint32_t endAB = m_audioDataStart + m_audioDataSize; // audioblock end
if(m_codec == CODEC_MP3 || m_codec == CODEC_AAC || m_codec == CODEC_WAV || m_codec == CODEC_FLAC) {
int32_t pos = getFilePos() - inBufferFilled();
pos += offset;
if(pos < (int32_t)startAB) pos = startAB;
if(pos >= (int32_t)endAB) pos = endAB;
return true;
return false;
int32_t pos = getFilePos() - inBufferFilled();
pos += offset;
if(pos < (int32_t)startAB) {pos = startAB;}
if(pos >= (int32_t)endAB) {pos = endAB;}
return true;
bool Audio::setFilePos(uint32_t pos) {
if(!audiofile) return false;
if(m_codec == CODEC_OPUS) return false; // not impl. yet
if(m_codec == CODEC_VORBIS) return false; // not impl. yet
if(!audiofile) return false;
if(pos < m_audioDataStart) pos = m_audioDataStart; // issue #96
if(pos > m_file_size) {pos = m_file_size; stopSong(); return false;}
m_resumeFilePos = pos;
if(pos < m_audioDataStart) {pos = m_audioDataStart;}
if(pos > m_audioDataStart + m_audioDataSize) {pos = m_audioDataStart + m_audioDataSize; stopSong(); return false;}
memset(m_outBuff, 0, m_outbuffSize);
m_validSamples = 0;
m_resumeFilePos = pos; // used in processLocalFile()
m_haveNewFilePos = pos; // used in computeAudioCurrentTime()
return true;
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
* Created on: Oct 28,2018
* Version 3.0.9a
* Updated on: Apr 04.2024
* Version 3.0.9b
* Updated on: Apr 07.2024
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public:
bool openai_speech(const String& api_key, const String& model, const String& input, const String& voice, const String& response_format, const String& speed);
bool connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user = "", const char* pwd = "");
bool connecttospeech(const char* speech, const char* lang);
bool connecttoFS(fs::FS &fs, const char* path, int32_t resumeFilePos = -1);
bool connecttoFS(fs::FS &fs, const char* path, int32_t m_fileStartPos = -1);
bool setFileLoop(bool input);//TEST loop
void setConnectionTimeout(uint16_t timeout_ms, uint16_t timeout_ms_ssl);
bool setAudioPlayPosition(uint16_t sec);
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ private:
int findNextSync(uint8_t* data, size_t len);
int sendBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t len);
void setDecoderItems();
void compute_audioCurrentTime(uint16_t bytesDecoderIn, uint16_t bytesDecoderOut);
void computeAudioTime(uint16_t bytesDecoderIn, uint16_t bytesDecoderOut);
void printProcessLog(int r, const char* s = "");
void printDecodeError(int r);
void showID3Tag(const char* tag, const char* val);
......@@ -543,17 +543,19 @@ private:
uint32_t m_contentlength = 0; // Stores the length if the stream comes from fileserver
uint32_t m_bytesNotDecoded = 0; // pictures or something else that comes with the stream
uint32_t m_PlayingStartTime = 0; // Stores the milliseconds after the start of the audio
int32_t m_resumeFilePos = -1; // the return value from stopSong() can be entered here, (-1) is idle
int32_t m_resumeFilePos = -1; // the return value from stopSong(), (-1) is idle
int32_t m_fileStartPos = -1; // may be set in connecttoFS()
uint16_t m_m3u8_targetDuration = 10; //
uint32_t m_stsz_numEntries = 0; // num of entries inside stsz atom (uint32_t)
uint32_t m_stsz_position = 0; // pos of stsz atom within file
uint32_t m_haveNewFilePos = 0; // user changed the file position
bool m_f_metadata = false; // assume stream without metadata
bool m_f_unsync = false; // set within ID3 tag but not used
bool m_f_exthdr = false; // ID3 extended header
bool m_f_ssl = false;
bool m_f_running = false;
bool m_f_firstCall = false; // InitSequence for processWebstream and processLokalFile
bool m_f_firstCurTimeCall = false; // InitSequence for compute_audioCurrentTime
bool m_f_firstCurTimeCall = false; // InitSequence for computeAudioTime
bool m_f_firstM3U8call = false; // InitSequence for m3u8 parsing
bool m_f_chunked = false ; // Station provides chunked transfer
bool m_f_firstmetabyte = false; // True if first metabyte (counter)
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