Commit 83b59746 authored by schreibfaul1's avatar schreibfaul1

opus_FramePacking_Code1 + 2

parent 6826f372
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* based on Xiph.Org Foundation celt decoder
* Created on: 26.01.2023
* Updated on: 12.02.2024
* Updated on: 07.03.2024
// O G G / O P U S I M P L.
......@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
// global vars
const uint32_t CELT_SET_END_BAND_REQUEST = 10012;
const uint32_t CELT_SET_START_BAND_REQUEST = 10010;
const uint32_t CELT_SET_SIGNALLING_REQUEST = 10016;
const uint32_t CELT_GET_AND_CLEAR_ERROR_REQUEST = 10007;
bool s_f_opusParseOgg = false;
bool s_f_newSteamTitle = false; // streamTitle
bool s_f_opusNewMetadataBlockPicture = false; // new metadata block picture
......@@ -27,6 +32,7 @@ bool s_f_nextChunk = false;
uint8_t s_opusChannels = 0;
uint8_t s_opusCountCode = 0;
uint8_t s_opusPageNr = 0;
uint8_t s_frameCount = 0;
uint16_t s_opusOggHeaderSize = 0;
uint32_t s_opusSamplerate = 0;
uint32_t s_opusSegmentLength = 0;
......@@ -78,6 +84,7 @@ void OPUSsetDefaults(){
s_f_opusNewMetadataBlockPicture = false;
s_f_opusStereoFlag = false;
s_opusChannels = 0;
s_frameCount = 0;
s_opusSamplerate = 0;
s_opusSegmentLength = 0;
s_opusValidSamples = 0;
......@@ -129,6 +136,8 @@ int OPUSDecode(uint8_t* inbuf, int* bytesLeft, short* outbuf) {
if(s_frameCount > 0) return opusDecodePage3(inbuf, bytesLeft, segmLen, outbuf); // decode audio, next part
if(!s_opusSegmentTableSize) {
s_f_opusParseOgg = false;
s_opusCountCode = 0;
......@@ -184,16 +193,18 @@ int opusDecodePage0(uint8_t* inbuf, int* bytesLeft, uint32_t segmentLength){
int opusDecodePage3(uint8_t* inbuf, int* bytesLeft, uint32_t segmentLength, short *outbuf){
const uint32_t CELT_SET_END_BAND_REQUEST = 10012;
uint8_t endband = 21;
static int8_t configNr = 0;
static uint16_t samplesPerFrame = 0;
static uint8_t frameCount = 0;
int ret = 0;
if(s_frameCount > 0) goto FramePacking; // more than one frame in the packet
configNr = parseOpusTOC(inbuf[0]);
if(configNr < 0) return configNr; // SILK or Hybrid mode
if(frameCount > 0) goto FramePacking; // more than one frame in the packet
samplesPerFrame = opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(inbuf, s_opusSamplerate);
case 16 ... 19: endband = 13; // OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND
......@@ -207,25 +218,25 @@ int opusDecodePage3(uint8_t* inbuf, int* bytesLeft, uint32_t segmentLength, shor
endband = 21; // assume OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND
// celt_decoder_ctl(CELT_SET_START_BAND_REQUEST, endband);
celt_decoder_ctl(CELT_SET_END_BAND_REQUEST, endband);
samplesPerFrame = opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(inbuf, s_opusSamplerate);
FramePacking: // 3.2. Frame Packing
//log_i("s_opusCountCode %i, configNr %i", s_opusCountCode, configNr);
case 0: // Code 0: One Frame in the Packet
ret = opus_FramePacking_Code0(inbuf, bytesLeft, outbuf, segmentLength, samplesPerFrame);
case 1: // Code 1: Two Frames in the Packet, Each with Equal Compressed Size
ret = opus_FramePacking_Code1(inbuf, bytesLeft, outbuf, segmentLength, samplesPerFrame, &frameCount);
if(ret == OPUS_CONTINUE) return ret;
ret = opus_FramePacking_Code1(inbuf, bytesLeft, outbuf, segmentLength, samplesPerFrame, &s_frameCount);
case 2: // Code 2: Two Frames in the Packet, with Different Compressed Sizes
ret = opus_FramePacking_Code2(inbuf, bytesLeft, outbuf, segmentLength, samplesPerFrame, &frameCount);
if(ret == OPUS_CONTINUE) return ret;
ret = opus_FramePacking_Code2(inbuf, bytesLeft, outbuf, segmentLength, samplesPerFrame, &s_frameCount);
case 3: // Code 3: A Signaled Number of Frames in the Packet
ret = opus_FramePacking_Code3(inbuf, bytesLeft, outbuf, segmentLength, samplesPerFrame, &frameCount);
if(ret == OPUS_CONTINUE) return ret;
ret = opus_FramePacking_Code3(inbuf, bytesLeft, outbuf, segmentLength, samplesPerFrame, &s_frameCount);
log_e("unknown countCode %i", s_opusCountCode);
......@@ -285,6 +296,8 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code1(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
| |
int ret = 0;
static uint16_t c1fs = 0;
if(*frameCount == 0){
......@@ -299,15 +312,14 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code1(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
if(*frameCount > 0){
ec_dec_init((uint8_t *)inbuf, c1fs);
ret = celt_decode_with_ec(inbuf, c1fs, (int16_t*)outbuf, samplesPerFrame);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
if(ret < 0){
return ret;
s_opusValidSamples = ret;
*bytesLeft -= c1fs;
s_opusCurrentFilePos += c1fs;
*frameCount -= 1;
if(*frameCount > 0) return OPUS_CONTINUE;
s_opusCountCode = 0;
c1fs = 0;
......@@ -338,19 +350,20 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code2(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
// log_w("OPUS countCode 2 packetLen %i", packetLen); // todo
// log_w("OPUS countCode 2 packetLen %i", packetLen);
int ret = 0;
static uint16_t firstFrameLength = 0;
static uint16_t secondFrameLength = 0;
if(*frameCount == 0){
uint8_t b1 = inbuf[1];
uint8_t b2 = inbuf[2];
if(b1 < 255){
if(b1 != 255){
firstFrameLength = b1;
packetLen -= 2;
*bytesLeft -= 2;
s_opusCurrentFilePos += 2;
inbuf += 2;
firstFrameLength = b1;
packetLen -= 3;
......@@ -365,7 +378,7 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code2(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
if(*frameCount == 2){
ec_dec_init((uint8_t *)inbuf, firstFrameLength);
ret = celt_decode_with_ec(inbuf, firstFrameLength, (int16_t*)outbuf, samplesPerFrame);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
if(ret < 0){return ret;}
s_opusValidSamples = ret;
*bytesLeft -= firstFrameLength;
s_opusCurrentFilePos += firstFrameLength;
......@@ -373,16 +386,12 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code2(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
if(*frameCount == 1){
ec_dec_init((uint8_t *)inbuf, secondFrameLength);
ret = celt_decode_with_ec(inbuf, secondFrameLength, (int16_t*)outbuf, samplesPerFrame);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
if(ret < 0){return ret;}
s_opusValidSamples = ret;
*bytesLeft -= secondFrameLength;
s_opusCurrentFilePos += secondFrameLength;
*frameCount -= 1;
if(*frameCount > 0) return OPUS_CONTINUE;
s_opusCountCode = 0;
firstFrameLength = 0;
secondFrameLength = 0;
......@@ -404,9 +413,20 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code3(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
frames), with lower limits for longer frame sizes. The Figure below illustrates the layout of the frame count byte.
When Opus padding is used, the number of bytes of padding is encoded in the bytes following the frame count byte. Values from 0...254
indicate that 0...254 bytes of padding are included, in addition to the byte(s) used to indicate the size of the padding. If the value
is 255, then the size of the additional padding is 254 bytes, plus the padding value encoded in the next byte. There MUST be at least
one more byte in the packet in this case [R6,R7]. The additional padding bytes appear at the end of the packet and MUST be set to zero
by the encoder to avoid creating a covert channel. The decoder MUST accept any value for the padding bytes, however.
is 255, then the size of the additional padding is 254 bytes, plus the padding value encoded in the next byte.
Padding Length 254 | 253 | 253 x 0x00 :
Padding Length 255 | 254 | 254 x 0x00 :
Padding Length 256 | 255 | 0 | 254 x 0x00 :
There MUST be at least one more byte in the packet in this case [R6,R7]. The additional padding bytes appear at the end of the packet and MUST
be set to zero by the encoder to avoid creating a covert channel. The decoder MUST accept any value for the padding bytes, however.
Although this encoding provides multiple ways to indicate a given number of padding bytes, each uses a different number of bytes to
indicate the padding size and thus will increase the total packet size by a different amount. For example, to add 255 bytes to a
packet, set the padding bit, p, to 1, insert a single byte after the frame count byte with a value of 254, and append 254 padding bytes
......@@ -477,36 +497,29 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code3(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
static uint16_t paddingBytes = 0;
static uint16_t fs = 0;
static uint8_t M = 0;
static bool v = false;
static bool p = false;
int ret = 0;
uint8_t paddingLength = 0;
if(*frameCount == 0){
// log_i("code3 v %i", inbuf[1] & 0x80);
bool v = ((inbuf[1] & 0x80) == 0x80); // VBR indicator
v = ((inbuf[1] & 0x80) == 0x80); // VBR indicator
p = ((inbuf[1] & 0x40) == 0x40); // padding bit
M = inbuf[1] & 0x3F; // max framecount
if(v != 0) {log_e("OPUS countCode 3 with VBR not supported yet"); vTaskDelay(1000);} // todo
bool p = ((inbuf[1] & 0x40) == 0x40); // padding bit
*frameCount = inbuf[1] & 0x3F; // max framecount
*bytesLeft -= 2;
s_opusCurrentFilePos += 2;
packetLen -= 2;
inbuf += 2;
paddingBytes = 0;
paddingLength = 1;
int i = 0;
while(inbuf[i] == 255){
paddingBytes += inbuf[i];
paddingBytes += inbuf[i];
paddingLength += i;
*bytesLeft -= paddingLength;
s_opusCurrentFilePos += paddingLength;
packetLen -= paddingLength;
inbuf += paddingLength;
paddingBytes = 0;
inbuf += 2;
if(p) paddingLength = inbuf[0];
if(paddingLength == 255) {paddingLength += inbuf[3]; }
paddingLength ++;
*bytesLeft -= paddingLength;
packetLen -= paddingLength;
inbuf += paddingLength;
*frameCount = M;
if(M == 0) return -1; // div0
log_i("packetLen %i, M %i FS %i", packetLen, M, packetLen / M);
fs = (packetLen - paddingBytes) / *frameCount;
*bytesLeft -= fs;
......@@ -522,6 +535,8 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code3(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
s_opusCurrentFilePos += paddingBytes;
paddingBytes = 0;
fs = 0;
v = false;
p = false;
......@@ -529,17 +544,19 @@ int8_t opus_FramePacking_Code3(uint8_t *inbuf, int *bytesLeft, short *outbuf, in
int32_t opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(const uint8_t *data, int32_t Fs) {
int32_t audiosize;
if (data[0] & 0x80) {
audiosize = ((data[0] >> 3) & 0x3);
if ((data[0] & 0x80) == 0x080) {
audiosize = ((data[0] >> 3) & 0x03);
audiosize = (Fs << audiosize) / 400;
} else if ((data[0] & 0x60) == 0x60) {
audiosize = (data[0] & 0x08) ? Fs / 50 : Fs / 100;
} else {
audiosize = ((data[0] >> 3) & 0x3);
if (audiosize == 3)
if (audiosize == 3){
audiosize = Fs * 60 / 1000;
audiosize = (Fs << audiosize) / 100;
return audiosize;
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