Unverified Commit 6793db0b authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

more hls (ts) streams works now

parent 6aece4dc
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
* Created on: Oct 26.2018
* Version 2.0.5
* Updated on: Jul 25.2022
* Version 2.0.5a
* Updated on: Jul 28.2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ void Audio::setDefaults() {
m_streamTitleHash = 0;
m_file_size = 0;
m_m3u8_timeStamp = 0;
m_ID3Size = 0;
......@@ -1411,6 +1412,7 @@ int Audio::read_ID3_Header(uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
m_controlCounter = 10;
headerSize = id3Size;
m_ID3Size = id3Size;
headerSize -= 10;
return 10;
......@@ -2221,11 +2223,11 @@ void Audio::loop() {
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_ASX) host = parsePlaylist_ASX();
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_M3U8) m_f_m3u8data = true;
if(m_f_m3u8data) AUDIO_INFO("cth %s", host);
if(!_client){stopSong(); log_e("no client found!"); return;}
else {
if(m_f_ts) m_m3u8_timeStamp = millis() + m_m3u8_targetDuration * 850; // sower because unpack ts frames
if(m_f_ts) m_m3u8_timeStamp = millis() + m_m3u8_targetDuration * 600; // sower because unpack ts frames
else m_m3u8_timeStamp = millis() + m_m3u8_targetDuration * 1200;
setDatamode(AUDIO_DATA); //fake datamode, we have no new audiosequence yet, so let audio run
......@@ -2292,7 +2294,7 @@ bool Audio::readPlayListData() {
if(startsWith(pl, "<!DOCTYPE")) {AUDIO_INFO("url is a webpage!"); goto exit;}
if(strlen(pl) > 0) m_playlistContent.push_back(strdup((const char*)pl));
if(m_playlistContent.size() == 100){
ESP_LOGD("", "the maximum number of lines in the playlist has been reached");
log_d("the maximum number of lines in the playlist has been reached");
if(ctl == m_contentlength){break;}
......@@ -2301,7 +2303,7 @@ bool Audio::readPlayListData() {
} // outer while6nUfOrsqhhT-331
lines = m_playlistContent.size();
for (int i = 0; i < lines ; i++) { // print all string in first vector of 'arr'
ESP_LOGD("pl=", "%i \"%s\"", i, m_playlistContent[i]);
log_d("pl=%i \"%s\"", i, m_playlistContent[i]);
return true;
......@@ -2507,7 +2509,7 @@ const char* Audio::parsePlaylist_M3U8(){
targetDuration = atoi(m_playlistContent[i] + 22);
if(targetDuration) m_m3u8_targetDuration = targetDuration;
// log_e("m_m3u8_targetDuration %d", m_m3u8_targetDuration);
log_d("m_m3u8_targetDuration %d", m_m3u8_targetDuration);
if(startsWith(m_playlistContent[i],"#EXTINF")) {
if(STfromEXTINF(m_playlistContent[i])) showstreamtitle(chbuf);
......@@ -2528,12 +2530,14 @@ const char* Audio::parsePlaylist_M3U8(){
if(!m_m3u8_lastEntry){ // first init
m_playlistURL.insert(m_playlistURL.begin(), strdup((const char*)(tmp)));
m_m3u8_lastEntry = strdup(tmp);
log_d("insert %s", tmp);
if(strcmp(tmp, m_m3u8_lastEntry) > 0){ // next sequence?,
m_playlistURL.insert(m_playlistURL.begin(), strdup((const char*)(tmp)));
if(m_m3u8_lastEntry){free(m_m3u8_lastEntry); m_m3u8_lastEntry = strdup(tmp);}
assert(m_m3u8_lastEntry != tmp); // no free space in task?
log_d("insert %s", tmp);
AUDIO_INFO("file already known %s", m_playlistContent[i]);
......@@ -3058,7 +3062,6 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
// first call, set some values to default - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(m_f_firstCall) { // runs only ont time per connection, prepare for start
m_f_firstCall = false;
f_stream = false;
byteCounter = 0;
bytesDecoded = 0;
......@@ -3066,6 +3069,26 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
tmr_1s = millis();
m_t0 = millis();
ts_packetPtr = 0;
ts_parsePacket(0, 0, 0); // reset ts routine
if(m_contentlength % 188 != 0){
// For files without an ID3 header, the content length is always divided by 188 without a remainder
static size_t ID3frameSize = 0;
uint8_t ID3headerLength = 10;
uint8_t ID3headerLength = 10;
if(_client->available() < ID3headerLength) return;
_client->read(ts_packet, ID3headerLength);
read_ID3_Header(ts_packet, ID3headerLength);
ID3frameSize = m_ID3Size;
if(ID3frameSize > 188) {log_e("ID3 Header too long"); stopSong(); return;}
if(_client->available() < ID3frameSize - ID3headerLength) return;
_client->read(ts_packet, ID3frameSize - ID3headerLength);
read_ID3_Header(ts_packet, ID3frameSize - ID3headerLength);
byteCounter += ID3frameSize;
ID3frameSize = 0;
m_f_firstCall = false;
if(m_datamode != AUDIO_DATA) return; // guard
......@@ -3194,14 +3217,14 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
if(pos == 510){
rhl[pos] = '\0';
ESP_LOGD("", "responseHeaderline overflow");
log_d("responseHeaderline overflow");
} // inner while
if(!pos) {vTaskDelay(3); continue;}
if(m_f_Log) {AUDIO_INFO("httpResponseHeader: %s", rhl);}
if(m_f_Log) {log_d("httpResponseHeader: %s", rhl);}
int16_t posColon = indexOf(rhl, ":", 0); // lowercase all letters up to the colon
if(posColon >= 0) {
......@@ -3219,7 +3242,6 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
statusCode[3] = '\0';
int sc = atoi(statusCode);
if(sc > 310 || sc == 301){ // e.g. HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
if(audio_showstreamtitle) audio_showstreamtitle(rhl);
// goto exit;
......@@ -3359,12 +3381,14 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
if(m_codec != CODEC_NONE){
m_datamode = AUDIO_DATA; // Expecting data now
if(!initializeDecoder()) return false;
if(m_f_Log) {AUDIO_INFO("Switch to DATA, metaint is %d", m_metaint);}
if(m_f_Log) {log_i("Switch to DATA, metaint is %d", m_metaint);}
if(m_playlistFormat != FORMAT_M3U8 && audio_lasthost) audio_lasthost(m_lastHost);
m_controlCounter = 0;
m_f_firstCall = true;
else if(m_playlistFormat != FORMAT_NONE){
m_datamode = AUDIO_PLAYLISTINIT; // playlist expected
if(m_f_Log) {AUDIO_INFO("now parse playlist");}
if(m_f_Log) {log_i("now parse playlist");}
goto exit;
......@@ -3525,27 +3549,27 @@ bool Audio::parseContentType(char* ct) {
case CT_MP3:
m_codec = CODEC_MP3;
if(m_f_Log) { AUDIO_INFO("ContentType %s, format is mp3", ct); } //ok is likely mp3
if(m_f_Log) { log_i("ContentType %s, format is mp3", ct); } //ok is likely mp3
case CT_AAC:
m_codec = CODEC_AAC;
if(m_f_Log) { AUDIO_INFO("ContentType %s, format is aac", ct); }
if(m_f_Log) { log_i("ContentType %s, format is aac", ct); }
case CT_M4A:
m_codec = CODEC_M4A;
if(m_f_Log) { AUDIO_INFO("ContentType %s, format is aac", ct); }
if(m_f_Log) { log_i("ContentType %s, format is aac", ct); }
case CT_FLAC:
m_codec = CODEC_FLAC;
if(m_f_Log) { AUDIO_INFO("ContentType %s, format is flac", ct); }
if(m_f_Log) { log_i("ContentType %s, format is flac", ct); }
case CT_WAV:
m_codec = CODEC_WAV;
if(m_f_Log) { AUDIO_INFO("ContentType %s, format is wav", ct); }
if(m_f_Log) { log_i("ContentType %s, format is wav", ct); }
case CT_OGG:
m_codec = CODEC_OGG;
if(m_f_Log) { AUDIO_INFO("ContentType %s found", ct); }
if(m_f_Log) { log_i("ContentType %s found", ct); }
case CT_PLS:
......@@ -4499,43 +4523,73 @@ bool Audio::ts_parsePacket(uint8_t* packet, uint8_t* packetStart, uint8_t* packe
int pids[PID_ARRAY_LEN];
} pid_array;
static pid_array pidsOfPMT, pidsOfAAC;
static uint16_t pesDataLength = 0;
static pid_array pidsOfPMT;
static int PES_DataLength = 0;
static int pidOfAAC = 0;
if(packet == NULL){
for(int i = 0; i < PID_ARRAY_LEN; i++) pidsOfPMT.pids[i] = 0;
PES_DataLength = 0;
pidOfAAC = 0;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0. Byte SyncByte | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | always bit pattern of 0x47
// 3. Byte |TSC|TSC|AFC|ADC|CC |CC |CC |CC |
// 4.-187. Byte |Payload data if AFC==01 or 11 |
// PUSI Payload unit start indicator, set when this packet contains the first byte of a new payload unit.
// The first byte of the payload will indicate where this new payload unit starts.
// TP Transport priority, set when the current packet has a higher priority than other packets with the same PID.
// PID Packet Identifier, describing the payload data.
// TSC Transport scrambling control, '00' = Not scrambled.
// AFC Adaptation field control, 01 – no adaptation field, payload only, 10 – adaptation field only, no payload,
// 11 – adaptation field followed by payload, 00 – RESERVED for future use
// CC Continuity counter, Sequence number of payload packets (0x00 to 0x0F) within each stream (except PID 8191)
if(packet[0] != 0x47) {
log_e("ts sync byte not found");
log_e("ts SyncByte not found, first bytes are %X %X %X %X", packet[0], packet[1], packet[2], packet[3]);
return false;
int PID = (packet[1] & 0x1F) << 8 | (packet[2] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("PID: 0x%04X(%d)\n", PID, PID);
int PUSI = (packet[1] & 0x40) >> 6;
if(debug) printf("Payload Unit Start Indicator: %d\n", PUSI);
int AFC = (packet[3] & 0x30) >> 4;
if(debug) printf("Adaption Field Control: %d\n", AFC);
int pid = (packet[1] & 0x1F) << 8 | (packet[2] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("PID: 0x%04X(%d)\n", pid, pid);
int pusi = (packet[1] & 0x40) >> 6;
if(debug) printf("Payload Unit Start Indicator: %d\n", pusi);
int afc = (packet[3] & 0x30) >> 4;
if(debug) printf("Adaption Field Control: %d\n", afc);
int rafl = -1; // remaining Adaptation Field Length
if((afc & 0b10) == 0b10) {
rafl = packet[4] & 0xFF;
if(debug) printf("Adaptation Field Length: %d\n", rafl);
int AFL = -1;
if((AFC & 0b10) == 0b10) { // AFC '11' Adaptation Field followed
AFL = packet[4] & 0xFF; // Adaptation Field Length
if(debug) printf("Adaptation Field Length: %d\n", AFL);
int pls = pusi ? 5 : 4; // payloadStart, payloadUnitStartIncicator
int PLS = PUSI ? 5 : 4; // PayLoadStart, Payload Unit Start Indicator
if(pid == 0) {
// PAT
if(PID == 0) {
// Program Association Table (PAT) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// log_i("PAT");
if(debug) printf("PAT\n");
pidsOfPMT.number = 0;
pidsOfAAC.number = 0;
pesDataLength = 0;
pidOfAAC = 0;
int startOfProgramNums = 8;
int lengthOfPATValue = 4;
int sectionLength = ((packet[pls + 1] & 0x0F) << 8) | (packet[pls + 2] & 0xFF);
int sectionLength = ((packet[PLS + 1] & 0x0F) << 8) | (packet[PLS + 2] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("Section Length: %d\n", sectionLength);
int program_number, program_map_PID;
int indexOfPids = 0;
for(int i = startOfProgramNums; i <= sectionLength; i += lengthOfPATValue) {
program_number = ((packet[pls + i] & 0xFF) << 8) | (packet[pls + i + 1] & 0xFF);
program_map_PID = ((packet[pls + i + 2] & 0x1F) << 8) | (packet[pls + i + 3] & 0xFF);
program_number = ((packet[PLS + i] & 0xFF) << 8) | (packet[PLS + i + 1] & 0xFF);
program_map_PID = ((packet[PLS + i + 2] & 0x1F) << 8) | (packet[PLS + i + 3] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("Program Num: 0x%04X(%d) PMT PID: 0x%04X(%d)\n", program_number, program_number,
program_map_PID, program_map_PID);
pidsOfPMT.pids[indexOfPids++] = program_map_PID;
......@@ -4546,19 +4600,16 @@ bool Audio::ts_parsePacket(uint8_t* packet, uint8_t* packetStart, uint8_t* packe
return true;
else if(pidsOfAAC.number) {
for(int i = 0; i < pidsOfAAC.number; i++) {
if(pid == pidsOfAAC.pids[i]) {
else if(PID == pidOfAAC) {
if(debug) printf("AAC\n");
uint8_t posOfPacketStart = 4;
if(rafl >= 0) {posOfPacketStart = 5 + rafl; if(debug)printf("posOfPacketStart: %d\n", posOfPacketStart);}
size_t dataSize;
if (pesDataLength > 0) {
dataSize = TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart;
if(AFL >= 0) {posOfPacketStart = 5 + AFL;
if(debug)printf("posOfPacketStart: %d\n", posOfPacketStart);}
// Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if (PES_DataLength > 0) {
*packetStart = posOfPacketStart;
*packetLength = dataSize;
pesDataLength -= dataSize;
*packetLength = TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart;
PES_DataLength -= TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart;
return true;
......@@ -4566,16 +4617,16 @@ bool Audio::ts_parsePacket(uint8_t* packet, uint8_t* packetStart, uint8_t* packe
int secondByte = packet[posOfPacketStart + 1] & 0xFF;
int thirdByte = packet[posOfPacketStart + 2] & 0xFF;
if(debug) printf("First 3 bytes: %02X %02X %02X\n", firstByte, secondByte, thirdByte);
if(firstByte == 0x00 && secondByte == 0x00 && thirdByte == 0x01) {
if(firstByte == 0x00 && secondByte == 0x00 && thirdByte == 0x01) { // Packet start code prefix
// PES
uint8_t streamID = packet[posOfPacketStart + 3] & 0xFF;
if(streamID >= 0xC0 && streamID <= 0xDF) {;} // okay ist audio stream
if(streamID >= 0xE0 && streamID <= 0xEF) {log_e("video stream!"); return false;}
uint8_t StreamID = packet[posOfPacketStart + 3] & 0xFF;
if(StreamID >= 0xC0 && StreamID <= 0xDF) {;} // okay ist audio stream
if(StreamID >= 0xE0 && StreamID <= 0xEF) {log_e("video stream!"); return false;}
const uint8_t posOfPacketLengthLatterHalf = 5;
int PES_PacketLength =
((packet[posOfPacketStart + 4] & 0xFF) << 8) + (packet[posOfPacketStart + 5] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("PES Packet length: %d\n", PES_PacketLength);
pesDataLength = PES_PacketLength;
PES_DataLength = PES_PacketLength;
int posOfHeaderLength = 8;
int PESRemainingHeaderLength = packet[posOfPacketStart + posOfHeaderLength] & 0xFF;
if(debug) printf("PES Header length: %d\n", PESRemainingHeaderLength);
......@@ -4583,50 +4634,47 @@ bool Audio::ts_parsePacket(uint8_t* packet, uint8_t* packetStart, uint8_t* packe
if(debug) printf("First AAC data byte: %02X\n", packet[posOfPacketStart + startOfData]);
*packetStart = posOfPacketStart + startOfData;
*packetLength = TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart - startOfData;
pesDataLength -= (TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart) - (posOfPacketLengthLatterHalf + 1);
PES_DataLength -= (TS_PACKET_SIZE - posOfPacketStart) - (posOfPacketLengthLatterHalf + 1);
return true;
*packetStart = 0;
*packetLength = 0;
return true;
// log_e("PES not found");
return false;
else if(pidsOfPMT.number) {
// Program Map Table (PMT) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// log_i("PMT");
for(int i = 0; i < pidsOfPMT.number; i++) {
if(pid == pidsOfPMT.pids[i]) {
if(PID == pidsOfPMT.pids[i]) {
if(debug) printf("PMT\n");
int staticLengthOfPMT = 12;
int sectionLength = ((packet[pls + 1] & 0x0F) << 8) | (packet[pls + 2] & 0xFF);
int sectionLength = ((packet[PLS + 1] & 0x0F) << 8) | (packet[PLS + 2] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("Section Length: %d\n", sectionLength);
int programInfoLength = ((packet[pls + 10] & 0x0F) << 8) | (packet[pls + 11] & 0xFF);
int programInfoLength = ((packet[PLS + 10] & 0x0F) << 8) | (packet[PLS + 11] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("Program Info Length: %d\n", programInfoLength);
int indexOfPids = pidsOfAAC.number;
int cursor = staticLengthOfPMT + programInfoLength;
while(cursor < sectionLength - 1) {
int streamType = packet[pls + cursor] & 0xFF;
int elementaryPID = ((packet[pls + cursor + 1] & 0x1F) << 8) | (packet[pls + cursor + 2] & 0xFF);
int streamType = packet[PLS + cursor] & 0xFF;
int elementaryPID = ((packet[PLS + cursor + 1] & 0x1F) << 8) | (packet[PLS + cursor + 2] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("Stream Type: 0x%02X Elementary PID: 0x%04X\n", streamType, elementaryPID);
if(streamType == 0x0F || streamType == 0x11) {
if(debug) printf("AAC PID discover\n");
pidsOfAAC.pids[indexOfPids++] = elementaryPID;
pidOfAAC= elementaryPID;
int esInfoLength = ((packet[pls + cursor + 3] & 0x0F) << 8) | (packet[pls + cursor + 4] & 0xFF);
int esInfoLength = ((packet[PLS + cursor + 3] & 0x0F) << 8) | (packet[PLS + cursor + 4] & 0xFF);
if(debug) printf("ES Info Length: 0x%04X\n", esInfoLength);
cursor += 5 + esInfoLength;
pidsOfAAC.number = indexOfPids;
*packetStart = 0;
*packetLength = 0;
return true;
return true;
// log_e("invalid ts packet!");
return false;
* Audio.h
* Created on: Oct 26,2018
* Created on: Oct 28,2018
* Updated on: Jul 25,2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ private:
M4A_ILST = 7, M4A_MP4A = 8, M4A_AMRDY = 99, M4A_OKAY = 100};
enum : int { OGG_BEGIN = 0, OGG_MAGIC = 1, OGG_HEADER = 2, OGG_FIRST = 3, OGG_AMRDY = 99, OGG_OKAY = 100};
enum : int { CODEC_NONE = 0, CODEC_WAV = 1, CODEC_MP3 = 2, CODEC_AAC = 3, CODEC_M4A = 4, CODEC_FLAC = 5,
enum : int { ST_NONE = 0, ST_WEBFILE = 1, ST_WEBSTREAM = 2};
typedef enum { LEFTCHANNEL=0, RIGHTCHANNEL=1 } SampleIndex;
typedef enum { LOWSHELF = 0, PEAKEQ = 1, HIFGSHELF =2 } FilterType;
......@@ -473,6 +473,7 @@ private:
uint8_t m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_NONE; // set in connecttohost (e.g. streaming01.m3u) -> FORMAT_M3U)
uint8_t m_filterType[2]; // lowpass, highpass
uint8_t m_streamType = ST_NONE;
uint8_t m_ID3Size = 0; // lengt of ID3frame - ID3header
int16_t m_outBuff[2048*2]; // Interleaved L/R
int16_t m_validSamples = 0;
int16_t m_curSample = 0;
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