Unverified Commit 092a722a authored by Wolle's avatar Wolle Committed by GitHub

HLS streams better time management

parent a4ae2188
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
* Created on: Oct 26.2018
* Version 2.0.5b
* Updated on: Jul 28.2022
* Version 2.0.5c
* Updated on: Jul 31.2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -172,17 +172,8 @@ Audio::Audio(bool internalDAC /* = false */, uint8_t channelEnabled /* = I2S_DAC
m_i2s_config.bits_per_sample = I2S_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16BIT;
m_i2s_config.channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_RIGHT_LEFT;
m_i2s_config.intr_alloc_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL3; // interrupt priority
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_count = 30;
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_count = 14; // max buffers
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_count = 14;
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_len = 1024; // max value
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_count = 8;
m_i2s_config.dma_buf_len = 1024;
m_i2s_config.use_apll = APLL_DISABLE; // must be disabled in V2.0.1-RC1
m_i2s_config.tx_desc_auto_clear = true; // new in V1.0.1
m_i2s_config.fixed_mclk = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE;
......@@ -309,7 +300,7 @@ void Audio::setDefaults() {
if(m_playlistBuff) {free(m_playlistBuff); m_playlistBuff = NULL;} // free if stream is not m3u8
if(!m_f_m3u8data) if(m_m3u8_lastEntry) {free(m_m3u8_lastEntry); m_m3u8_lastEntry = NULL;} // free if stream is not m3u8
if(m_m3u8_lastEntry) {free(m_m3u8_lastEntry); m_m3u8_lastEntry = NULL;} // free if stream is not m3u8
......@@ -357,7 +348,6 @@ void Audio::setDefaults() {
m_channels = 2; // assume stereo #209
m_streamTitleHash = 0;
m_file_size = 0;
m_m3u8_timeStamp = 0;
m_ID3Size = 0;
......@@ -375,7 +365,7 @@ bool Audio::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
AUDIO_INFO("Hostaddress is empty");
return false;
if(m_f_m3u8data) AUDIO_INFO("new request %s", host);
uint16_t lenHost = strlen(host);
if(lenHost >= 512 - 10) {
......@@ -426,10 +416,8 @@ bool Audio::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
hostwoext[pos_colon] = '\0';// Host without portnumber
AUDIO_INFO("Connect to new host: \"%s\"", l_host);
setDefaults(); // no need to stop clients if connection is established (default is true)
AUDIO_INFO("Connect to new host: \"%s\"", l_host);
setDefaults(); // no need to stop clients if connection is established (default is true)
if(startsWith(l_host, "https")) m_f_ssl = true;
else m_f_ssl = false;
......@@ -460,7 +448,7 @@ bool Audio::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
strcat(rqh, "Authorization: Basic ");
strcat(rqh, authorization);
strcat(rqh, "\r\n");
strcat(rqh, "Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1,chunked;q=0.1,*;q=0\r\n");
strcat(rqh, "Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1,*;q=0\r\n");
strcat(rqh, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n");
strcat(rqh, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");
......@@ -473,23 +461,17 @@ bool Audio::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
if(m_f_ssl){ _client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&clientsecure); if(port == 80) port = 443;}
else { _client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&client);}
if(!_client->connected()) {
if(m_f_m3u8data) AUDIO_INFO("not connected");
uint32_t t = millis();
if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("connect to %s on port %d path %s", hostwoext, port, extension);
res = _client->connect(hostwoext, port, m_f_ssl ? m_timeout_ms_ssl : m_timeout_ms);
uint32_t dt = millis() - t;
if(!m_f_m3u8data) strcpy(m_lastHost, l_host);
AUDIO_INFO("%s has been established in %u ms, free Heap: %u bytes",
m_f_ssl?"SSL":"Connection", dt, ESP.getFreeHeap());
m_f_running = true;
if(endsWith(l_host, "m3u8")) strcpy(m_lastHost, l_host);
uint32_t t = millis();
if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("connect to %s on port %d path %s", hostwoext, port, extension);
res = _client->connect(hostwoext, port, m_f_ssl ? m_timeout_ms_ssl : m_timeout_ms);
uint32_t dt = millis() - t;
strcpy(m_lastHost, l_host);
AUDIO_INFO("%s has been established in %u ms, free Heap: %u bytes",
m_f_ssl?"SSL":"Connection", dt, ESP.getFreeHeap());
m_f_running = true;
m_expectedCodec = CODEC_NONE;
m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_NONE;
......@@ -509,14 +491,13 @@ bool Audio::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
m_streamType = ST_WEBSTREAM;
// AUDIO_INFO("Request %s failed!", l_host);
AUDIO_INFO("Request %s failed!", l_host);
if(audio_showstation) audio_showstation("");
if(audio_showstreamtitle) audio_showstreamtitle("");
if(audio_icydescription) audio_icydescription("");
if(audio_icyurl) audio_icyurl("");
m_lastHost[0] = 0;
m_f_m3u8data= false;
if(hostwoext) {free(hostwoext); hostwoext = NULL;}
if(extension) {free(extension); extension = NULL;}
if(l_host ) {free(l_host); l_host = NULL;}
......@@ -524,6 +505,90 @@ bool Audio::connecttohost(const char* host, const char* user, const char* pwd) {
return res;
bool Audio::httpPrint(const char* host) {
// user and pwd for authentification only, can be empty
if(host == NULL) {
AUDIO_INFO("Hostaddress is empty");
return false;
char* h_host = NULL; // pointer of l_host without http:// or https://
if(m_f_ssl) h_host = strdup(host + 8);
else h_host = strdup(host + 7);
int16_t pos_slash; // position of "/" in hostname
int16_t pos_colon; // position of ":" in hostname
int16_t pos_ampersand; // position of "&" in hostname
uint16_t port = 80; // port number
// In the URL there may be an extension, like noisefm.ru:8000/play.m3u&t=.m3u
pos_slash = indexOf(h_host, "/", 0);
pos_colon = indexOf(h_host, ":", 0);
if(isalpha(h_host[pos_colon + 1])) pos_colon = -1; // no portnumber follows
pos_ampersand = indexOf(h_host, "&", 0);
char *hostwoext = NULL; // "skonto.ls.lv:8002" in "skonto.ls.lv:8002/mp3"
char *extension = NULL; // "/mp3" in "skonto.ls.lv:8002/mp3"
if(pos_slash > 1) {
hostwoext = (char*)malloc(pos_slash + 1);
memcpy(hostwoext, h_host, pos_slash);
hostwoext[pos_slash] = '\0';
uint16_t extLen = urlencode_expected_len(h_host + pos_slash);
extension = (char *)malloc(extLen + 20);
memcpy(extension, h_host + pos_slash, extLen);
urlencode(extension, extLen, true);
else{ // url has no extension
hostwoext = strdup(h_host);
extension = strdup("/");
if((pos_colon >= 0) && ((pos_ampersand == -1) or (pos_ampersand > pos_colon))){
port = atoi(h_host + pos_colon + 1);// Get portnumber as integer
hostwoext[pos_colon] = '\0';// Host without portnumber
AUDIO_INFO("new request: \"%s\"", host);
char rqh[strlen(h_host) + 200]; // http request header
rqh[0] = '\0';
strcat(rqh, "GET ");
strcat(rqh, extension);
strcat(rqh, " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
strcat(rqh, "Host: ");
strcat(rqh, hostwoext);
strcat(rqh, "\r\n");
strcat(rqh, "Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1,*;q=0\r\n");
strcat(rqh, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n");
strcat(rqh, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");
if(m_f_ssl){ _client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&clientsecure); if(port == 80) port = 443;}
else { _client = static_cast<WiFiClient*>(&client);}
if(endsWith(extension, ".mp3")) m_expectedCodec = CODEC_MP3;
if(endsWith(extension, ".aac")) m_expectedCodec = CODEC_AAC;
if(endsWith(extension, ".wav")) m_expectedCodec = CODEC_WAV;
if(endsWith(extension, ".m4a")) m_expectedCodec = CODEC_M4A;
if(endsWith(extension, ".flac")) m_expectedCodec = CODEC_FLAC;
if(endsWith(extension, ".asx")) m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_ASX;
if(endsWith(extension, ".m3u")) m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_M3U;
if(endsWith(extension, ".m3u8")) m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_M3U8;
if(endsWith(extension, ".pls")) m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_PLS;
setDatamode(HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER); // Handle header
m_streamType = ST_WEBSTREAM;
if(hostwoext) {free(hostwoext); hostwoext = NULL;}
if(extension) {free(extension); extension = NULL;}
if(h_host ) {free(h_host); h_host = NULL;}
return true;
bool Audio::setFileLoop(bool input){
m_f_loop = input;
return input;
......@@ -2169,6 +2234,7 @@ bool Audio::playChunk() {
sample[LEFTCHANNEL] = m_outBuff[m_curSample];
sample[RIGHTCHANNEL] = m_outBuff[m_curSample];
if(!playSample(sample)) {
log_e("can't send");
return false;
} // Can't send
......@@ -2187,6 +2253,7 @@ bool Audio::playChunk() {
sample[RIGHTCHANNEL] = xy;
if(!playSample(sample)) {
log_e("can't send");
return false;
} // Can't send
......@@ -2203,57 +2270,86 @@ bool Audio::playChunk() {
void Audio::loop() {
if(!m_f_running) return;
static bool f_noHost = false;
const char* host;
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_M3U) host = parsePlaylist_M3U();
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_PLS) host = parsePlaylist_PLS();
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_ASX) host = parsePlaylist_ASX();
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_M3U8){ host = parsePlaylist_M3U8();
m_f_m3u8data = true;
m_m3u8_timeStamp = millis() + m_m3u8_targetDuration * 1500; // /1.5 playtime of the file
if(!_client){stopSong(); log_e("no client found!"); return;}
f_noHost = false;
else {
f_noHost = true;
m_m3u8_timeStamp = millis() + m_m3u8_targetDuration * 1500; // /1.5 playtime of the file
setDatamode(AUDIO_DATA); //fake datamode, we have no new audiosequence yet, so let audio run
/* fall through */
if(m_f_ts) processWebStreamTS();
else processWebStream();
if(m_playlistFormat != FORMAT_M3U8){ // normal process
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_M3U) connecttohost(parsePlaylist_M3U());
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_PLS) connecttohost(parsePlaylist_PLS());
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_ASX) connecttohost(parsePlaylist_ASX());
else { // m3u8 datastream only
static bool f_noNewHost = false;
static int32_t remaintime, timestamp1, timestamp2; // m3u8 time management
const char* host;
if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_M3U8){
if(m_f_continue){ // processWebStream() needs more data
playAudioData(); // fill I2S DMA buffer
m_codec = CODEC_AAC;
host = parsePlaylist_M3U8();
m_f_m3u8data = true;
f_noNewHost = false;
timestamp1 = millis();
if(_client->connected()) httpPrint(host);
else connecttohost(host); // redirect from m3u8 or connection is broken
else {
f_noNewHost = true;
timestamp2 = millis() + remaintime;
setDatamode(AUDIO_DATA); //fake datamode, we have no new audiosequence yet, so let audio run
if(m_f_ts) processWebStreamTS();
else processWebStreamHLS();
m_f_continue = false;
if(timestamp2 < millis()) {
if(_client->connected()) httpPrint(m_lastHost);
else connecttohost(m_lastHost);
if(f_noHost && m_m3u8_timeStamp < millis()){
if(m_f_continue){ // processWebStream() needs more data
remaintime = (int32_t)(m_m3u8_targetDuration * 1000) - (millis() - timestamp1);
if(m_m3u8_targetDuration < 10) remaintime += 1000;
m_f_continue = false;
bool Audio::readPlayListData() {
if(m_datamode != AUDIO_PLAYLISTINIT) return false;
if(_client->available() == 0) return false;
// reads the content of the playlist and stores it in the vector m_contentlength
// m_contentlength is a table of pointers to the lines
char pl[512]; // playlistLine
......@@ -2279,7 +2375,7 @@ bool Audio::readPlayListData() {
ctl += pos;
if(pos) {pl[pos] = '\0'; break;}
if(ctime + timeout < millis()) {log_e("timeout"); break;}
if(ctime + timeout < millis()) {log_e("timeout"); goto exit;}
} // inner while
if(m_contentlength > 0){
......@@ -2472,11 +2568,9 @@ const char* Audio::parsePlaylist_M3U8(){
if(pos < 0){ // not found
int pos1 = indexOf(m_playlistContent[i], "CODECS=", 18);
if(pos1 < 0) pos1 = 0;
m_m3u8codec = CODEC_NONE;
log_e("codec %s in m3u8 playlist not supported", m_playlistContent[i] + pos1);
goto exit;
m_m3u8codec = CODEC_M4A;
i++; // next line
......@@ -2494,6 +2588,7 @@ const char* Audio::parsePlaylist_M3U8(){
if(m_playlistContent[i]){free(m_playlistContent[i]); m_playlistContent[i] = NULL;}
m_playlistContent[i] = strdup(tmp);
strcpy(m_lastHost, tmp);
if(tmp){free(tmp); tmp = NULL;}
if(m_f_Log) log_i("redirect %s", m_playlistContent[i]);
return m_playlistContent[i]; // it's a redirection, a new m3u8 playlist
......@@ -2548,7 +2643,7 @@ const char* Audio::parsePlaylist_M3U8(){
if(m_f_Log) log_i("insert %s", tmp);
AUDIO_INFO("file already known %s", m_playlistContent[i]);
if(m_f_Log) log_i("file already known %s", m_playlistContent[i]);
if(tmp){free(tmp); tmp = NULL;}
......@@ -3105,6 +3200,7 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
int framesize = 0;
availableBytes = _client->available();
while(InBuff.freeSpace() >= ts_packetsize && availableBytes){
int res = _client->read(ts_packet + ts_packetPtr, 188 - ts_packetPtr);
if(res > 0){
......@@ -3173,8 +3269,8 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() > maxFrameSize && !f_stream) { // waiting for buffer filled
f_stream = true; // ready to play the audio data
uint16_t filltime = millis() - m_t0;
AUDIO_INFO("stream ready");
AUDIO_INFO("buffer filled in %d ms", filltime);
if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("stream ready");
if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("buffer filled in %d ms", filltime);
if(!f_stream) return;
......@@ -3199,12 +3295,136 @@ void Audio::processWebStreamTS() {
void Audio::processWebStreamHLS() {
const uint16_t maxFrameSize = InBuff.getMaxBlockSize(); // every mp3/aac frame is not bigger
uint32_t availableBytes; // available bytes in stream
static bool f_tmr_1s;
static bool f_stream; // first audio data received
static int bytesDecoded;
static uint32_t byteCounter; // count received data
static uint32_t tmr_1s; // timer 1 sec
static uint32_t loopCnt; // count loops if clientbuffer is empty
// first call, set some values to default - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(m_f_firstCall) { // runs only ont time per connection, prepare for start
f_stream = false;
byteCounter = 0;
bytesDecoded = 0;
loopCnt = 0;
tmr_1s = millis();
m_t0 = millis();
m_f_firstCall = false;
if(m_datamode != AUDIO_DATA) return; // guard
availableBytes = _client->available();
size_t bytesWasWritten = 0;
if(InBuff.writeSpace() >= availableBytes){
bytesWasWritten = _client->read(InBuff.getWritePtr(), availableBytes);
bytesWasWritten = _client->read(InBuff.getWritePtr(), InBuff.writeSpace());
byteCounter += bytesWasWritten;
if(byteCounter == m_contentlength){
byteCounter = 0;
m_f_continue = true;
// timer, triggers every second - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if((tmr_1s + 1000) < millis()) {
f_tmr_1s = true; // flag will be set every second for one loop only
tmr_1s = millis();
// if the buffer is often almost empty issue a warning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < maxFrameSize && f_stream){
static uint8_t cnt_slow = 0;
cnt_slow ++;
if(f_tmr_1s) {
if(cnt_slow > 25 && audio_info) audio_info("slow stream, dropouts are possible");
f_tmr_1s = false;
cnt_slow = 0;
// if the buffer can't filled for several seconds try a new connection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(f_stream && !availableBytes){
if(loopCnt > 200000) { // wait several seconds
loopCnt = 0;
AUDIO_INFO("Stream lost -> try new connection");
if(availableBytes) loopCnt = 0;
// buffer fill routine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(true) { // statement has no effect
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() > maxFrameSize && !f_stream) { // waiting for buffer filled
f_stream = true; // ready to play the audio data
uint16_t filltime = millis() - m_t0;
if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("stream ready");
if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("buffer filled in %d ms", filltime);
if(!f_stream) return;
// play audio data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if(!f_stream) return; // 1. guard
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < 1024) return; // 2. guard
size_t data2decode = InBuff.bufferFilled();
bytesDecoded = sendBytes(InBuff.getReadPtr(), data2decode);
if(bytesDecoded < 0) { // no syncword found or decode error, try next chunk
uint8_t next = 200;
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < next) next = InBuff.bufferFilled();
InBuff.bytesWasRead(next); // try next chunk
m_bytesNotDecoded += next;
else {
if(bytesDecoded > 0) {InBuff.bytesWasRead(bytesDecoded); return;}
if(bytesDecoded == 0) return; // syncword at pos0 found
void Audio::playAudioData(){
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < InBuff.getMaxBlockSize()) return; // guard
int bytesDecoded = sendBytes(InBuff.getReadPtr(), InBuff.getMaxBlockSize());
// log_i("bytesDecoded %i", bytesDecoded);
if(bytesDecoded < 0) { // no syncword found or decode error, try next chunk
uint8_t next = 200;
if(InBuff.bufferFilled() < next) next = InBuff.bufferFilled();
InBuff.bytesWasRead(next); // try next chunk
m_bytesNotDecoded += next;
else {
if(bytesDecoded > 0) {InBuff.bytesWasRead(bytesDecoded); return;}
if(bytesDecoded == 0) return; // syncword at pos0 found
bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / request
if(m_datamode != HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER) return false;
if(_client->available() == 0) return false;
char rhl[512]; // responseHeaderline
bool ct_seen = false;
uint32_t ctime = millis();
uint32_t timeout = 5000; // ms
uint32_t timeout = 2500; // ms
while(true){ // outer while
uint16_t pos = 0;
......@@ -3232,7 +3452,7 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
} // inner while
if(!pos) {vTaskDelay(3); continue;}
if(!pos){vTaskDelay(3); continue;}
if(m_f_Log) {log_i("httpResponseHeader: %s", rhl);}
......@@ -3243,30 +3463,27 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
int16_t idx = indexOf(rhl, "HTTP/"); // HTTP status error code
if(idx >= 0){
if(startsWith(rhl, "HTTP/")){ // HTTP status error code
char statusCode[5];
statusCode[0] = rhl[idx + 9];
statusCode[1] = rhl[idx + 10];
statusCode[2] = rhl[idx + 11];
statusCode[0] = rhl[9];
statusCode[1] = rhl[10];
statusCode[2] = rhl[11];
statusCode[3] = '\0';
int sc = atoi(statusCode);
if(sc > 310 || sc == 301){ // e.g. HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
if(sc > 310){ // e.g. HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
if(audio_showstreamtitle) audio_showstreamtitle(rhl);
// goto exit;
goto exit;
idx = indexOf(rhl, "content-type:", 0); // content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
if(idx >= 0) {
// AUDIO_INFO("%s", rhl);
idx = indexOf(rhl + 13, ";");
else if(startsWith(rhl, "content-type:")){ // content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
int idx = indexOf(rhl + 13, ";");
if(idx >0) rhl[13 + idx] = '\0';
if(parseContentType(rhl + 13)) ct_seen = true;
else goto exit;
if(startsWith(rhl, "location:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "location:")) {
int pos = indexOf(rhl, "http", 0);
if(pos >= 0){
const char* c_host = (rhl + pos);
......@@ -3279,14 +3496,14 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
if(startsWith(rhl, "content-encoding:")){
else if(startsWith(rhl, "content-encoding:")){
if(indexOf(rhl, "gzip")){
AUDIO_INFO("can't extract gzip");
goto exit;
if(startsWith(rhl, "content-disposition:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "content-disposition:")) {
int pos1, pos2; // pos3;
// e.g we have this headerline: content-disposition: attachment; filename=stream.asx
// filename is: "stream.asx"
......@@ -3310,15 +3527,15 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
// ; // do nothing
// }
if(startsWith(rhl, "connection:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "connection:")) {
if(indexOf(rhl, "close", 0) >= 0) {; /* do nothing */}
if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-genre:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-genre:")) {
; // do nothing Ambient, Rock, etc
if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-br:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-br:")) {
const char* c_bitRate = (rhl + 7);
int32_t br = atoi(c_bitRate); // Found bitrate tag, read the bitrate in Kbit
br = br * 1000;
......@@ -3327,14 +3544,14 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
if(audio_bitrate) audio_bitrate(chbuf);
if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-metaint:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-metaint:")) {
const char* c_metaint = (rhl + 12);
int32_t i_metaint = atoi(c_metaint);
m_metaint = i_metaint;
if(m_metaint) m_f_swm = false ; // Multimediastream
if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-name:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-name:")) {
char* c_icyname = (rhl + 9); // Get station name
if(strlen(c_icyname) > 0) {
......@@ -3343,22 +3560,22 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
if(startsWith(rhl, "content-length:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "content-length:")) {
const char* c_cl = (rhl + 15);
int32_t i_cl = atoi(c_cl);
m_contentlength = i_cl;
m_streamType = ST_WEBFILE; // Stream comes from a fileserver
if(!m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("content-length: %i", m_contentlength);
if(m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("content-length: %i", m_contentlength);
if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-description:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-description:")) {
const char* c_idesc = (rhl + 16);
while(c_idesc[0] == ' ') c_idesc++;
latinToUTF8(rhl, sizeof(rhl)); // if already UTF-0 do nothing, otherwise convert to UTF-8
if(audio_icydescription) audio_icydescription(c_idesc);
if((startsWith(rhl, "transfer-encoding:"))){
else if((startsWith(rhl, "transfer-encoding:"))){
if(endsWith(rhl, "chunked") || endsWith(rhl, "Chunked") ) { // Station provides chunked transfer
m_f_chunked = true;
if(!m_f_Log) AUDIO_INFO("chunked data transfer");
......@@ -3366,16 +3583,17 @@ bool Audio::parseHttpResponseHeader() { // this is the response to a GET / reque
if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-url:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "icy-url:")) {
char* icyurl = (rhl + 8);
if(audio_icyurl) audio_icyurl(icyurl);
if(startsWith(rhl, "www-authenticate:")) {
else if(startsWith(rhl, "www-authenticate:")) {
AUDIO_INFO("authentification failed, wrong credentials?");
goto exit;
else {;}
} // outer while
exit: // termination condition
......@@ -3519,42 +3737,43 @@ bool Audio::parseContentType(char* ct) {
int ct_val = CT_NONE;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mpeg")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mpeg3")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-mpeg")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-mpeg-3")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mp3")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/aac")) ct_val = CT_AAC;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-aac")) ct_val = CT_AAC;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/aacp")){ ct_val = CT_AAC; if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_M3U8) m_f_ts = true;}
if(!strcmp(ct, "video/mp2t")){ ct_val = CT_AAC; m_f_ts = true;} // assume AAC transport stream
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mp4")) ct_val = CT_M4A;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/m4a")) ct_val = CT_M4A;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/wav")) ct_val = CT_WAV;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-wav")) ct_val = CT_WAV;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/flac")) ct_val = CT_FLAC;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/scpls")) ct_val = CT_PLS;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-scpls")) ct_val = CT_PLS;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mpegurl")) ct_val = CT_M3U;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-mpegurl")) ct_val = CT_M3U;
if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/ms-asf")) ct_val = CT_ASX;
if(!strcmp(ct, "video/x-ms-asf")) ct_val = CT_ASX;
if(!strcmp(ct, "application/ogg")) ct_val = CT_OGG;
if(!strcmp(ct, "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl")) ct_val = CT_M3U8;
if(!strcmp(ct, "application/x-mpegurl")) ct_val =CT_M3U8;
if(!strcmp(ct, "application/octet-stream")) ct_val = CT_TXT; // ??? listen.radionomy.com/1oldies before redirection
if(!strcmp(ct, "text/html")) ct_val = CT_TXT;
if(!strcmp(ct, "text/plain")) ct_val = CT_TXT;
if(ct_val == CT_NONE){
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mpeg3")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-mpeg")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-mpeg-3")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mp3")) ct_val = CT_MP3;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/aac")) ct_val = CT_AAC;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-aac")) ct_val = CT_AAC;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/aacp")){ ct_val = CT_AAC; if(m_playlistFormat == FORMAT_M3U8) m_f_ts = true;}
else if(!strcmp(ct, "video/mp2t")){ ct_val = CT_AAC; m_f_ts = true;} // assume AAC transport stream
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mp4")) ct_val = CT_M4A;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/m4a")) ct_val = CT_M4A;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/wav")) ct_val = CT_WAV;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-wav")) ct_val = CT_WAV;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/flac")) ct_val = CT_FLAC;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/scpls")) ct_val = CT_PLS;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-scpls")) ct_val = CT_PLS;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/mpegurl")) ct_val = CT_M3U;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/x-mpegurl")) ct_val = CT_M3U;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "audio/ms-asf")) ct_val = CT_ASX;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "video/x-ms-asf")) ct_val = CT_ASX;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "application/ogg")) ct_val = CT_OGG;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl")) ct_val = CT_M3U8;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "application/x-mpegurl")) ct_val =CT_M3U8;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "application/octet-stream")) ct_val = CT_TXT; // ??? listen.radionomy.com/1oldies before redirection
else if(!strcmp(ct, "text/html")) ct_val = CT_TXT;
else if(!strcmp(ct, "text/plain")) ct_val = CT_TXT;
else if(ct_val == CT_NONE){
AUDIO_INFO("ContentType %s not supported", ct);
return false; // nothing valid had been seen
else {;}
case CT_MP3:
......@@ -3595,13 +3814,13 @@ bool Audio::parseContentType(char* ct) {
m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_M3U8;
case CT_TXT: // overwrite text/plain
if(m_expectedCodec == CODEC_AAC){ m_codec = CODEC_AAC; AUDIO_INFO("set ct from M3U8 to AAC");}
if(m_expectedCodec == CODEC_MP3){ m_codec = CODEC_MP3; AUDIO_INFO("set ct from M3U8 to MP3");}
if(m_expectedCodec == CODEC_AAC){ m_codec = CODEC_AAC; if(m_f_Log) log_i("set ct from M3U8 to AAC");}
if(m_expectedCodec == CODEC_MP3){ m_codec = CODEC_MP3; if(m_f_Log) log_i("set ct from M3U8 to MP3");}
if(m_expectedPlsFmt == FORMAT_ASX){ m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_ASX; AUDIO_INFO("set playlist format to ASX");}
if(m_expectedPlsFmt == FORMAT_M3U){ m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_M3U; AUDIO_INFO("set playlist format to M3U");}
if(m_expectedPlsFmt == FORMAT_M3U8){m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_M3U8; AUDIO_INFO("set playlist format to M3U8");}
if(m_expectedPlsFmt == FORMAT_PLS){ m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_PLS; AUDIO_INFO("set playlist format to PLS");}
if(m_expectedPlsFmt == FORMAT_ASX){ m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_ASX; if(m_f_Log) log_i("set playlist format to ASX");}
if(m_expectedPlsFmt == FORMAT_M3U){ m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_M3U; if(m_f_Log) log_i("set playlist format to M3U");}
if(m_expectedPlsFmt == FORMAT_M3U8){m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_M3U8; if(m_f_Log) log_i("set playlist format to M3U8");}
if(m_expectedPlsFmt == FORMAT_PLS){ m_playlistFormat = FORMAT_PLS; if(m_f_Log) log_i("set playlist format to PLS");}
AUDIO_INFO("%s, unsupported audio format", ct);
......@@ -3778,11 +3997,14 @@ int Audio::sendBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
if(getBitsPerSample() == 8 ) m_validSamples = len / 2;
bytesLeft = 0;
if(m_codec == CODEC_MP3) ret = MP3Decode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff, 0);
if(m_codec == CODEC_AAC) ret = AACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff);
if(m_codec == CODEC_M4A) ret = AACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff);
if(m_codec == CODEC_FLAC) ret = FLACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff);
if(m_codec == CODEC_OGG_FLAC) ret = FLACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); // FLAC webstream wrapped in OGG
case CODEC_MP3: ret = MP3Decode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff, 0); break;
case CODEC_AAC: ret = AACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_M4A: ret = AACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_FLAC: ret = FLACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break;
case CODEC_OGG_FLAC: ret = FLACDecode(data, &bytesLeft, m_outBuff); break; // FLAC webstream wrapped in OGG
default: log_e("no valid codec found");
bytesDecoded = len - bytesLeft;
if(bytesDecoded == 0 && ret == 0){ // unlikely framesize
......@@ -4185,7 +4407,7 @@ bool Audio::playSample(int16_t sample[2]) {
s32 += 0x80008000;
esp_err_t err = i2s_write((i2s_port_t) m_i2s_num, (const char*) &s32, sizeof(uint32_t), &m_i2s_bytesWritten, 1000);
esp_err_t err = i2s_write((i2s_port_t) m_i2s_num, (const char*) &s32, sizeof(uint32_t), &m_i2s_bytesWritten, 50);
if(err != ESP_OK) {
log_e("ESP32 Errorcode %i", err);
return false;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Audio.h
* Created on: Oct 28,2018
* Updated on: Jul 25,2022
* Updated on: Jul 31,2022
* Author: Wolle (schreibfaul1)
......@@ -215,9 +215,12 @@ private:
bool latinToUTF8(char* buff, size_t bufflen);
void setDefaults(); // free buffers and set defaults
void initInBuff();
bool httpPrint(const char* host);
void processLocalFile();
void processWebStream();
void processWebStreamTS();
void processWebStreamHLS();
void playAudioData();
bool readPlayListData();
const char* parsePlaylist_M3U();
const char* parsePlaylist_PLS();
......@@ -467,7 +470,6 @@ private:
uint8_t m_channels = 2;
uint8_t m_i2s_num = I2S_NUM_0; // I2S_NUM_0 or I2S_NUM_1
uint8_t m_playlistFormat = 0; // M3U, PLS, ASX
uint8_t m_m3u8codec = CODEC_NONE; // M4A
uint8_t m_codec = CODEC_NONE; //
uint8_t m_expectedCodec = CODEC_NONE; // set in connecttohost (e.g. http://url.mp3 -> CODEC_MP3)
uint8_t m_expectedPlsFmt = FORMAT_NONE; // set in connecttohost (e.g. streaming01.m3u) -> FORMAT_M3U)
......@@ -494,7 +496,6 @@ private:
uint32_t m_bytesNotDecoded = 0; // pictures or something else that comes with the stream
uint32_t m_PlayingStartTime = 0; // Stores the milliseconds after the start of the audio
uint32_t m_resumeFilePos = 0; // the return value from stopSong() can be entered here
uint32_t m_m3u8_timeStamp = 0;
uint16_t m_m3u8_targetDuration = 10; //
bool m_f_swm = true; // Stream without metadata
bool m_f_unsync = false; // set within ID3 tag but not used
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