"DELETE_ACCOUNT_CONFIRM":"Are you sure you want to delete your BlocksCAD account?",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS_ONE":"In about 48 hours your account will be permanently deleted.",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS_TWO":"If you change your mind, just sign in to your account within the next 48 hours.",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_CONFIRM_PASSWORD":"Enter password to confirm",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT_BUTTON":"Delete Account and Sign Out",
"REACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_TITLE":"Your account will not be deleted",
"REACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_EXPLAINED":"Your account has been reactivated - it is no longer scheduled to be deleted. If you didn't send a delete account request, you should change your password to make sure your account is secure.",
"DELETE_PROJECT_CONFIRM":"Are you sure you want to delete *Project_name*?",
"SAVE_PROMPT":"Do you want to save your project?",
"SAVE_PROMPT_NO":"Don't Save",
"RESET_PASSWORD":"Reset Password",
"RESET_PASSWORD_INSTRUCTIONS":"Gib deinen Benutzernamen und deine E-Mailadresse ein und wir senden dir ein E-Mail mit Instruktionen um dein Passwort zurück zu setzen.",
"RESET_PASSWORD_LINK_BUTTON":"Sende mir einen Link um mein Passwort zurück zu setzen!",
"NOT_CENTERED":"nicht zentriert",
"LINEAR_EXTRUDE":"linear extrude",
"ROTATE_EXTRUDE":"rotate extrude",
"ROTATE_ADVANCED":"fancy rotate",
"MIRROR_ADVANCED":"fancy mirror",
"IMPORT_STL":"STL import",
"BLOCK_TEXT_2D":"2D Text",
"BLOCK_TEXT_3D":"3D Txt",
"TEXT_DEFAULT_VALUE":"Text ersetzten",
"CATEGORY_SET_OPERATIONS":"Setze Eigenschaften",
"RESET_VIEW_BUTTON":"Ansicht zurücksetzen",
"ERROR_PASSWORD_IS_USERNAME":"Your password cannot match your username!",
"ERROR_PASSWORD_LENGTH":"Your password must be at least 6 characters long.",
"ERROR_PASSWORD_IS_PASSWORD":"Your password cannot be the word 'password'.",
"ERROR_PASSWORD_IS_EMPTY":"Please choose a password at least 6 characters long.",
"ERROR_PASSWORD_CONFIRM":"Your second password must match the first password.",
"ERROR_EMAIL_IS_INVALID":"You must provide a valid email address.",
"ERROR_EMAIL_IS_EMPTY":"Please enter an email address.",
"ERROR_USERNAME_IS_EMPTY":"Please choose a username.",
"ERROR_USERNAME_LENGTH":"Username must be between 3 and 30 characters.",
"ERROR_USERNAME_CHARACTERS":"Your username may only contain letters, numbers, -, and _",
"ERROR_USERNAME_EXISTS":"Sorry, that username already exists.",
"ERROR_LOGIN_FAILED":"Incorrect username or password.",
"ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD":"Incorrect password - please retype your original password.",
"ERROR_MISSING_USERNAME":"We can't find this username.",
"ERROR_MISSING_EMAIL":"We can't find this email address.",
"NEW_PROJECT_BUTTON":"Neues Projekt",
"MOUSEOVER_TRASHCAN":"Lösche alle Blöcke",
"DISCARD_ALL":"Lösche alle %1 Blöcke?",
"WARNING_RELOAD_STL":"Warning: re-load your STL file block",
"RENDER_ERROR_EMPTY":"Nichts zum Rendern",
"RENDER_ERROR_MIXED":"Es sind 2D und 3D Objekte vorhanden. Es darf aber nur eine Art vorhanden sein.",
"PARSING_ERROR_MISSING_FIELDS":"%1 blocks are missing fields.",
"PARSING_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE":"%1 blocks have an illegal value (negative or zero)",
"TRANSLATE_TOOLTIP":"Translates (moves) one or more objects in specified dimensions x, y, and z.",
"SIMPLEROTATE_TOOLTIP":"Rotates one or more objects around specified axes x, y, and z.",
"SIMPLEMIRROR_TOOLTIP":"Mirrors one or more objects across a specified plane.",
"SCALE_TOOLTIP":"Scales one or more objects by a specified amount in dimensions x, y, and z.",
"COLOR_TOOLTIP":"Applies the color to the child object, which must be 3D.",
"COLOR_RGB_TOOLTIP":"Apply a color by specifying the red, blue, and green components. Each value should be between 0 and 100.",
"COLOR_HSV_TOOLTIP":"Apply a color by specifying the hue, saturation, and value components. Each value should be between 0 and 100.",
"FN_TOOLTIP":"Sets the number of sides used for approximating arcs (in the sphere, cylinder, circle, and torus).",
"TAPER_TOOLTIP":"Scales shape along an axis. The smallest value along the select axis is scaled at one, and the largest value is scaled at user input scale value.",
"LINEAREXTRUDE_TOOLTIP":"Extrudes one or more 2-dimensional objects by a specified height with a specified twist. Shape can be scaled as it extrudes in both x and y. It may optionally be centered around the origin.",
"ROTATEEXTRUDE_TOOLTIP":"Rotate extrudes one or more 2-dimensional objects around the Z axis with a specified number of sides.",
"FANCYROTATE_TOOLTIP":"Rotates one or more objects around a vector from the origin (0,0,0) to the point (x,y,z)",
"FANCYMIRROR_TOOLTIP":"Mirrors one or more objects across specified plane whose normal vector is from (0,0,0) to the point (x,y,z).",
"UNION_TOOLTIP":"Combines two or more objects into one.",
"DIFFERENCE_TOOLTIP":"Subtracts one or more objects from the first object in the list.",
"INTERSECTION_TOOLTIP":"Returns the intersection (area that overlaps) of two or more objects.",
"HULL_TOOLTIP":"Combines one or more objects by 'wrapping' them together in a hull.",
"BS_TEXT_TOOLTIP":"A 2D rendering of text with a given size and font",
"BS_3DTEXT_TOOLTIP":"A 3D rendering of text with a given size and font, and thickness",
"CONTROLS_FOR_TOOLTIP_CHAINHULL":"Return the convex hull of each shape in the loop with the next shape",
"NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_OPENSCAD":"Not compatible with OpenSCAD",
"STL_IMPORT_WARNING":"STL files are not saved with your blocks.",